
In The Blink of An Eye!

Funny how you remember things like they were just yesterday. Katie was born 30 years ago at 1:19 am on a cold December morning. That was probably my ONLY Christmas that I was really ready for. The Women's Axillary group at Long Beach Community hospital sent all the Christmas babies home in these stockings! 

And her big sister Brande was excited as you can see. It was a really a heartfelt Christmas.

Then in the blink of an eye, the time began to fly by. First birthdays. . .

Second birthdays. . .

First grade. . .

Family vacations. . .

Babies of her own celebrating 2nd birthdays at Disneyland. . .

Her two favorite guys in her life. . .

Now not only a Mom, but an Aunt as well. . .

And now all of my family has different titles since we've grown!

But you know, we work together, we argue together (come on, I know you've heard us) but we are still family that loves each other more than any words I can write. We will all gather tonight to celebrate my little Christmas baby's 30th birthday at her favorite restaurant. Happy Birthday Katie, we all love you!!  


  1. Hi Sue, isn't it just amazing how quickly the time passes, My daughter turned the big 30 this year too, I bet your like me & can remember so easily when we were 30, but then sometimes it seems like forever ago.... Wishing You & Yours the Brightest Holiday~

  2. Happy Birthday Katie!

    Its amazing how fast 30 years goes by.
    I don't really remember turning 30 maybe cuz I still felt 18 at the time.
    But I have a feeling I will remember 40 cuz I don't feel 18 anymore lol

    Anyhoo, have fun and party on!

  3. Oh what a wonderful Christmas gift you got 30 years ago Sue!!
    Tell Katie I said Happy, Happy Birthday!! And I hope you all have a wonderful time celebrating!

  4. Happy Birthday to your Katie. Time does indeed fly and I only wish I had known at the time when they were small to slow down and just enjoy it.... have a wonderful celebration tonight. Ann


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