

"How old is Mommy"? As you can tell, Riley and Morgan are having a great time celebrating Katie's birthday last night! It was the big 3-0 and we all met at Katie's favorite Italian restaurant for dinner. All my family was there but I somehow didn't get pictures of Brande, Justine, or Vinnie. But believe me, we were all there celebrating. Here are a few pictures of my family that I did get!

What can I say, this boy LOVES to eat! Bodhi will eat just about anything, seriously. Both Riley and Morgan were picky eaters at that time. But not my boy Bo! And he was thrilled when it was time for dessert. Sometimes when I have my entire family together, I just sit and soak it all in, you know? Not everyone is as lucky as I am when it comes to family. And I got an early Christmas present last week. I'm going to be a Gramma, again! This will be number four for me. Bryce, Justine and Morgan are adding to their family and although it will be a late Christmas present, it will arrive in July! And of course it will be a boy! Bodhi needs a little buddy!! 


  1. Oh Congrats Grandma!!
    I know you are over the moon excited.
    You are so lucky to have your family stay and grow around you.
    I miss my family everyday!
    Take care

  2. Oh Sue how exciting!!! Congratulations!!! I'm sure the 4th grand baby will be just as gorgeous as the other 3!!
    Have a beautiful day!

  3. Congratulations on the upcoming little chick to your nest.
    Your circle of love just continues to grow!

  4. Congratulations Sue!
    Your grandchildren are darling!
    I hope you have a wonderful holiday, thanks for all the vintage inspiration! I am hoping to come visit soon and sign up for a space!
    Happy Holidays! karen....


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!