
White Wednesday

For this weeks "White Wednesday" post, I am featuring what I call, "the room"! It is a large area in the back part of the first building of Country Roads. There are some amazing displays here, courtesy of Kate and Debbie who share "the room"! Here are just a few shots of some of the treasures you will find here.

I can never emphasis it enough how fortunate I am to have such a talented Country Roads family. They always keep their displays not only fresh, but they change them out quite often as well. For some other really beautiful blogs, please stop by HERE and visit our hostess, Kathleen on her beautiful blog! And since Fall is only a few days away, "Happy Fall" to each and everyone!!


  1. Just beautiful!
    Sue did you get your banner redone? Love it. Ciao Rita

  2. Wow, I love Debbie and Kate's style. Each looks beautiful on its own, but blended together, oh my gosh, stunning!!!
    Have a wonderful White Wednesday,

  3. Lovin' everything in this beautiful room. Hope I can visit in person someday soon:-)

    Enjoy the rest of Summer.



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