
My Little Ones

 A day with my little grandkids, or even a good portion of the day with these guys will, without a doubt, give you a good nights sleep!  Riley got out of school early yesterday for "Back to School Night" and for some reason Morgan still hadn't got dressed. And Bodhi, well let's just say, he is one busy little boy and now loves to pose for pictures by saying, "cheese"!

Did you notice the back of Morgan's pink shirt that she slept in and the scotch tape on the back? Apparently, the shirt is too big, so Bryce decided the scotch tape would make it fit better. Creative, not sure. I'm ready to pick my pumpkins this afternoon. With the official arrival of Fall tomorrow, my pumpkins are ready to come on inside of the house. Out of all the things I've planted, I really LOVED starting these pumpkins from seeds and watching them grow! Wishing you all an early "Happy Fall"!


  1. I love Bodhi's shirt!! That's too cute and that smile is electric!!
    They are truly all so beautiful!
    Hope you have a great day.

  2. Sue, That Bo is way too cute...and that shirt is to die over! They are all adorable!! I must admit I always throught Bryce was incredibly talented...now I'm sure!
    Kinda glad there wasn't a glue gun plugged in!
    Hope you have a great day and can't wait to see what you do with your pumpkins!

  3. Oh they are precious! And I'm loving the Couture Taped Gown, I'd say CREATIVE and IMAGINATIVE!

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  4. Hi Sue! The sign says: "It's not easy being a Princess", although It's not easy being a Grandma either!!! LOVE those kids!

  5. Why I think the pink shirt alteration is quite clever! Your grandkids look like the happiest kids alive! Ann


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