
White Wednesday

The picture above is one of my very favorite country primitive pieces I have in my home. It came out of a general store, and it is not only great for holding and displaying all my "stuff", but practical as well. The big grain bins on the bottom are perfect for all my grandkids toys. Makes for great toy storage as well as holding some "stuff" that I'm pretty fond of! 

That old black clock above that is sitting on top of the red ammunition box sort of pulls at my heart every once in awhile. That old clock sat on my folks mantel my entire life, and stayed there until they moved into assisted living before passing away. My Dad would always take the time to wind the clock each and every day without fail. Obviously I don't wind the clock anymore, but every once in awhile, I glance at it, and I picture my Dad at different points in my life standing by the fireplace winding his clock! So, on this "White Wednesday" I hope it finds you all well and still clinging on to a memory or two from your past like I do. It's good for the heart! Please stop by and pay my friend Kathleen a visit over at Faded Charm! She not only has her own great "whites" featured, but a whole list of other wonderful blogs to visit.  I hope you all have a wonderful Labor Day week-end! I know mine will be crazy while working at Country Roads during the annual "Orange International Street Faire"! I can hardly wait for the good times to arrive!! But hey, you can't beat the people watching!! 


  1. What a great piece of furniture! Love it!

  2. I really love that piece, the grain bins would be perfect for all the kids toys, it's fabulous!!
    And what a beautiful memory of your Father winding his clock over the years, I know that must be a really special piece to you!
    I was in the store today and it's looking amazing, especially Debbie and Kate's spot, simply to die for!! I could spend all day in there!
    Have wonderful night.

  3. Hi Sue, I sure do Love that Big Ole Cupboard, All the "Stuff" ain't too Shabby either.... Love it All
    Have a wonderful week~

  4. I always say you have the best collection ever!
    What is most awesome about your collection is that it has meaning.
    What a great memory to hold on to.
    Boy times(no pun intended) have changed. Can you imagine people today having to remember to wind their clocks. Everyone would be late everyday, lol
    Wish you a great and safe weekend
    Hope you have time to catch a little of the people watching in photos, I can only imagine

  5. Sue, I love all the chippy white things, the pottery, and esp. the frogs. Have a great week, T

  6. Love the badminton box...love!

  7. Love the story about your Dad! it is nice to see ordinary things and have such sweet memories! I wish I could visit your store! Maybe one day soon!

  8. What a great old piece!
    Love your collection of flower frogs and the story of your dad and the clock!

  9. Hi Sue,
    Love the chippy white furniture piece. Love the collection of frogs. How nice to have your parents clock and be able to have wonderful memories associated with it. Good luck with the Street Fair! Can't wait to hear the stories. Blessings to you and your Country Roads family.

  10. I remember looking at that piece of furniture in your house and falling instantly in love with it. Fantastic!!!

  11. love your White Wednesday pics! love WW too! come by some time...



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