
Our REALLY Big Labor Day Sale!

As many of you know, the different chairs we have out front at Country Roads very seldom are left empty! And I have a good feeling that on Labor Day Monday, these chairs and others will be filled all day because of our, "I Survived the Orange International Street Faire Sale"! For any of you that have visited Old Towne Orange for this "lovely" gathering, you know that it is kind of like working in a carnival type setting! The people watching is great, the streets are super crowded, there is no parking, and there is ALWAYS some "incident" that happens at the Street Faire! Or should I say several incidents! To make it up to our favorite customers, each year we host this REALLY big sale! I know a few  of my dealers have as much as 30 percent off on their spaces! I also would suggest shopping early for the best buys. This year you will also find Halloween, and do I dare say it, "Christmas" merchandise as well!  I thought this year, I would put together a little slideshow for you that has some photos of what we have at Country Roads right now. There really is something for everyone! If you click right HERE with any luck, it will take you right to the slideshow. If you have speakers on your computer, please turn 'em up and listen to one of my favorite artists, Amos Lee! I look forward to seeing you all very soon!! Remember, we are "always your favorite, never the same"!


  1. You make it sound so intriguing Sue.
    there is so much in the shop that looks like it needs a home, preferably mine.
    But that weekend sounds like a nightmare to have a child in.
    Maybe we will wait for a more quiet time to come shop :)

  2. It has become a tradition for me to visit Country Roads on that weekend. I will definitely be seeing you.
    Also, please visit La Pouyette beautiful blog...she references my post about you. I know you will love it.

    See you next weekend!

  3. Oh how I wish i could be there, especially for the people watching....haha.

    Hope all is well and I can't believe your little Riley is already five. Where does the time go???


  4. Loving the slide show, it looks awesome!!! And thank you so much for turning me on to Amos. He reminds me a little of my other favorite, Dave Barnes, in that they are both a little Southern and super soulful!! If you haven't listened to Dave, you have to listen!!
    I can't wait to be included in the slide show next time.
    Have a great night.

  5. Big BIG day, Sue!!! Hope you sell a lot and SURVIVE!!! LOL!!!!

  6. OH I wish I lived closer to your shop! I love so many of your treasures.


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!