
She's Good!

Yesterday Sue Lennon came in, and did a complete makeover on her space! Sue just has this "way" of putting together things together that click. Between the quality of the merchandise, the display, the lighting and more, it is impossible to walk by this space at Country Roads and not stop and stare. Below are a few pictures of what she put together yesterday!!

The above was an all day project for Sue! But I think it was worth it. I hope if you are looking for something to do this week-end, you will stop by Country Roads and see some of the great eye candy we have for sale. The great displays above are only a small, small portion of the many more that we have. Looking forward to seeing you. Take care!


  1. Aw, man! Now I have this urge to go junking and rearrange my booth! And regret that I slept in this morning because I have so much in storage that I don't really need to buy anything for awhile. And doggone it! I want that green stool and the office chair. Arghhh! :-) Thanks for sharing her most awesome booth!

  2. Oh it looks too wonderful to shop.
    I wouldn't want to mess up her great look. LOL
    Trying to get back in and see what my favorite bloggers are up to. A slow Saturday to relax have coffee and read blogs.
    Good to read yours again :)

  3. I love Sue's booth! It take time to make things look good!

  4. Sue, her space looks wonderful. We hope to be in SoCal in January and I hope I can convince Mr. T to take me by CRA again! We are hoping to move to the region sometime within the year. Gotta be near the kids... Ann

  5. So pretty. Love the chair display (on the chain)... genious! Wish I could just drop by...


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