
The "Jessie-Woody" Parade

Today, while all three of my grandbabies were playing together, Riley grabbed the cowboy boots I have for each of them and thought they would have a "Jesse Parade", but quickly changed the name to the "Jessie-Woody Parade since Bodhi was participating or trying to! For those of you that have little ones, you must know that Toy Story is pretty popular with that crowd. I have bought old cowboy boots for all my grandbabies. Today, Riley put on hers, then helped Morgan put on her pair, and decided Bodhi was to little to wear his, so he just winged it. My day, in pictures, below!

The old snakeskin cowboy boots above belong to Bodhi. That's my great-grandma "Madge Durham in the picture next to Bodhi's boots. She was born and raised in Texas, as my Mom was. And the boots on the yellow stool? My Mom bought those for Bryce right after he was born. I think her heart was always in Texas until the day she died. So, I had to make sure I followed my Mom's tradition. and got a pair of little cowboy boots for each of grandbabies. My Mom would be proud! And this Gramma, me? I'm headed off to watch some tv in bed, and calling it a day! I'm a bit tired but will sleep well dreaming of my three little ones marching in the "Jessie-Woody" Parade!!


  1. Your grand babies are such cutie patooties!!! Can you imagine if we could play all day again without a care in the world. Great post Sue


  2. Oh Sue,
    They are all so darn beautiful!!! And I have to say, they are all going to be heart breakers when they grow up!!! I love that photo of your great-grandmother. I have one of my great-grandmother holding my grandmother when she was a baby and I cherish it.
    Have a lovey night.

  3. I love a parade and this is a doozie! Easy to spot the grand marshal in this one. How wonderful to see them growing up together...and what a privelege for you to be able to be a huge part of it. They are precious x3.

  4. What a fun day with your little sweeties! These times will keep them bonded forever. xoxo Debra

  5. Those babies are so adorable! I can't believe how big they are. Even though you are on the opposite side of the country, I love watching those little darlin's as they grow... through your eyes.

    I'm still droolin' over that sofa, too.


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