
Riley's 5th Birthday

Today was Riley's fifth birthday! I have no idea how she got to me five so soon. Riley was the only one of my three grandkids that I got to help deliver. Believe me, for those of you that have got to experience that, you know that there are no words to describe that instant connection, that instant bond, and all the love you have for this kid. Last week she had her birthday party, but today, on her birthday,  she went to Disneyland with her family. I had to work, and wasn't able to go. So tonight we all met down in Seal Beach for dinner. There is a Greek restaurant that Katie likes. I have to admit, when Riley ordered lamb and was munching away on it, I kind of lost my appetite. I am vegetarian, its never been a big deal with me, and most times it doesn't bother me. But seeing my baby girl devouring lamb, well, it took my appetite away, so I had Greek beer instead which actually put me in a better mood!  After dinner, everyone walked the three blocks down to the pier in Seal Beach. They have an awesome playground for kids, right on the sand. I rode with Vinnie in the truck since I was exhausted from being on my feet all day, and was also exhausted from having a liquid dinner! Here are a few of my favorite photos from this evening. The only thing missing was Bryce, Justine, and Morgan!

Sometimes, it really isn't about the big stuff in life. It is just about the simple things that you do with those you love. We've spent many special occasions on this playground and the memories continue to warm my heart. Family. . .I am blessed that we are so close. And Riley, you need to promise me you won't grow up too fast. Don't you forget, you are Gramma's little girl. Happy birthday, I love you!


  1. What I love most about the Jacksons is the they know the real meaning of family. Beautiful post and I love the togetherness. happy birthday to sweet Riley!!


  2. Happy Birthday sweet Riley and thanks for the views of the Seal Beach Pier and your beautiful grands! Ann

  3. What a great night!! I love the photos of the kids at the beach, the look on their faces is of pure joy! Those are some well loved kiddos!!! I didn't know you helped deliver Riley, what an awesome experience!!
    Happy 5th birthday Riley.
    Have a great day.

  4. happy birthday Riley
    what a great grandma you have there.
    She loves you and your brother so much.
    Even if you do eat lamb, lol
    Have a great weekend Sue.
    I just can't believe that its the last days of summer

  5. They are so beautiful and grow so fast. One of my most favorite sounds is the laughter of children. Joy is spread all over their sweet faces. Thank you for sharing.

  6. The kids look so beautiful, Sue. I cant believe how big the baby is!! Lamb??? She's MY kind of girl!!!!!

  7. Happy Birthday Sweet Riley!

    Oh what I wouldn't give to be that close to the ocean everyday!


  8. So true and so sweet Sue. You have a lovely family...pat yourself on the back!


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