
As Summer Fades Away

It's kind of hard to believe that Summer is slowly getting ready to be a thing of the past. As the kids all head back to school, I was thinking of my garden. Wondering too if my Summer garden will soon be a thing of the past. My pumpkins have totally amazed me. I've got three pretty good sized one's left, but I know the vine is getting ready to die back soon. I've really enjoyed watching the pumpkins grow as well as my grandkids have. Below are just a few of my favorite things in my little garden!

I remember writing an article one time for a trade publication. It was called, "Yes, I Do Decorate My Garden"! I know I'm not alone on this one as many of us add a little of this and that to our favorite outdoor spaces. It's been a long week for me and as most of you look forward to Friday as the end of your week, it is the beginning of mine! I've been thinking a lot lately about what makes me happy. And it's undeniable. . .it's the little things in life. Watching my pumpkins grow, having my little grandkids sit on my lap are just a few of my favorite things. I hope all of you have these moments in your lives as well. There are just "moments" that go by in a blink of an eye, but they always are remembered in your heart. 


  1. HI Sue,
    I just love your garden and how you decorate it! The signs are wonderful, I think my favorite is the one in the first photo.
    I can't believe Summer is almost over as well. My oldest will be back to school in just 2 short weeks and then we're on to another season. Your right, time slips by so quickly.
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend at CR.

  2. It might be a "little garden" as you call it, but it has a HUGE personality!!!

  3. how wonderful you get to grow your own pumpkins
    Growing pumpkins and corn in a garden is like a dream for me.

    Hope you get a ton of time with the gk's to enjoy it all before the cold sets in.


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