
White Wednesday

We have a new dealer in the house!! And oh my, she is oh so talented as you will soon find out by the pictures below. Let me show you what Miss Debbie (Watts) as been up to lately!

Believe me, in my twenty years in this biz I've seen all kinds of cases. But never in all those years have I EVER seen one quite as awesome as Debbie's, wow. I'm sure you will be seeing some more of her creations on my blog. And on top of everything else, she is the sweetest person ever. Be sure you all take a moment to stop by and see Kathleen, over at her blog! She is our hostess with the mostess for our White Wednesdays!
Take care.


  1. Hi Sue
    Isn't it the greatest to have Deb as part of our Country Roads family!! Her displays are divine and talent is endless to say the least and top that off with her heart of gold. I love the photos that you took of her space. She is so dear to me! See you soon


  2. Hi Sue,
    Thank you for your kind words. I am so happy and excited to be a small part of your incredible Country Roads family! Can't wait to get my space filled and do some blogging about it!!
    See you soon...I'm hoping for more great Buddy stories!


  3. Congratulations on your new dealer, her booth looks totally amazing and you are so correct--she is an incredibly sweet person : )
    Happy White Wednesday, to you and your crew at Country Roads.

  4. What a beautiful case. I've never seen anything like it either...and I've been doing this since Hector was a pup.

  5. Hey Sue, you are right, her space is pretty awesome! Happy Wednesday.

  6. She is AMAZING! I am so happy that she is now with the CR famiglia. Ciao Rita mammabellarte

  7. Hi Sue~ What a wonderful display, I dream about coming to see your Sweet shop someday... I think I better start saving all my nickle, maybe quarters too! Have a wonderful week ~


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