
I Remember Why

On Wednesdays & Thursdays, I always have my grandbabies Riley & Bodhi over. I watch them while Katie works at "the store" aka Country Roads. On those days, I'm kind of forced (in a good way) to sit a spell, as I spend time with my little ones. Today I was looking inside of my old stepback cupboard. It is an awesome cabinet, old pine, original hardware, and more. I have always had a thing for little kids stuff. I guess one of the reasons is that I've always been amazed that these things have held up for so long. I posted awhile back about how special this old cupboard is to me, but today I really had time to look and think about the stuff inside that at one time little kids held in their tiny hands many years ago! Here's a few random pictures of some of my favorite things that are behind the old glass doors!

The little left handed, a few pictures above, is very special to me. When I was a kid, my Grandmother gave it to me. I was the only one in my family that was left-handed. And for years it stayed that way until my little Riley was born. She's like her Gramma, a lefty. That wooden set of books pictures above? They are really great, old books! I got them for such a good price at Country Roads in the "early" days. Not too long after we opened actually. I still remember the space where I bought them. The books are a whole set of nursery rhymes with the little story on the inside and the ending on the back! I've been in this "thinning" out mode lately, dragging some of my "stuff" (I mean valuable antiques) to sell at the store. But there are some things, and pieces of furniture that I just can't part with. It is the nature of the beast! And if you are like me, you know exactly what I mean. I'm just glad I remembered today "why" I love this old cupboard so much! I'm sure some of you understand why!


  1. OH so many wonderful treaures tucked away in there! I have a soft spot for kids thing too, I think it's just the kid in me! t.xoxoox

  2. One nursery rhyme that will never apply to you is "Old Mother Hubbard"! What a wonderful collection.

  3. Nothing like special treasures that pull at our heartstrings! Great stuff!

  4. Hi Sue,
    What an amazing collection!! I have collected a few child antiques over the years for my boys room and they are so fabulous and it always thrills me that they are still around. They definitely don't make toys like that anymore.
    I don't blame you for not what to part with this wonderful collection!
    And can I just say, your house is beautiful! There are so many wonderful things to look at.
    Have a great day.


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!