
White Wednesday at CR

For this "White Wednesday" post, I thought I would share the variety of "whites" that we have here at Country Roads. I think that's what is one of my most favorite things about "Roads", the variety! Here is just a small sampling of the variety of "whites" available here CR!

I'm still trying to get our "CR Online" store up online as soon as I can. I have been so busy, and working so much that I haven't had the time. If by chance you "do" see something you can't live without, you can always call us at 714.532.3041 and pay for it over the phone! Yes, it is that easy. Please be sure to stop by and visit Kathleen over at Faded Charm. She always as the best of the best when in comes to "White Wednesdays"! It's hard to believe we are in June already with summer arriving very soon. Take care!


  1. oh Sue don't tempt me to call, lol
    Hopefully I will be there shortly to buy in person.
    Loving the ruffle chairs!
    Have a great week

  2. Sue, just when I think I've seen all the fabulousness of your store, you show us more! What awesome displays.

  3. Wow, never boring at Country Roads, but always, always, fun, fabulous, and unique!!
    Have a great day,

  4. Always so much to see at Country Roads. Loooove that old door and the ruffled chairs - gorgeous!!

  5. Always love seeing all the great whites at CR. The ruffle chair covers are wonderful:-)

    Don't work too hard!


  6. Love the ruffle chairs!

    I might have to make some now :)

  7. I always love getting a glimpse of CR!!! The ruffle chairs are adorable!!! The shoes...so pretty!! I have a thing for old doors...and this one is perfect!!!

  8. I never get tired of seeing pictures of Country Roads! Wish I could see it with my own eyes!


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!