
Monday Morning Miscellaneous!

Here it is again, Monday morning! I'm not sure why or even how these weeks seem to be flying by. I've been working quite a bit lately and am VERY happy to say that after today and tomorrow, I "should" have the next three days off. They are very much needed, especially after yesterday. I'm not sure why, but please know I'm not complaining, but yesterday was insanely busy!! I love to work when we are slammed, and yesterday our customers gave us what we love best, they "slammed" us! Although I'm exhausted, I still am very grateful for all  of you that stopped by to see us. Thank you! Here are some random Monday morning miscellaneous photos of my favorite little place, Country Roads!

Above is my new birthday present, and it isn't even my birthday yet! How nice is that. Yesi & Carol got this for me over the week-end. We had all been lusting after it. You never see these canvas bins this small, or at least I never see them at Country Roads. I have a big one on wheels that says "Jackson" on it that Bryce is making a top for it so I can use it as a table. This little one is really cool; its got an old metal chain with a hook attached to one end and I love the old repairs on both ends of it. Right now it's in my office here at home and one of my cats is currently sleeping in it! I wish all of you a great week ahead, and again, "thank you" all for shopping with us over the week-end. We appreciate your business. And since we were busy, you know that only means one thing. Our Country Roads family will be bringing in great stuff all week! I can't wait. Take care.


  1. I always love seeing your store and to know you were so busy is a GOOD thing (as our friend Martha would say)! Happy late birthday to Morgan, looks like she had a great time.

  2. omg that is the coolest canvas crate ever!
    Kitty has good tasted too :)

    Hope to see CR's soon

  3. If it's true there is no rest for the wicked...we must be the wickedest children ever! I keep telling myself...just two more weeks!
    It all looks wonderful and I love the cagey thing.


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!