
White "Architectural" Wednesday

One of my most favorite things ever, the one thing that always calls my name, is all the old architectural elements. My house is packed with them. I'm not sure why I have such a love affair with these things. I believe part of it is because many of the architectural pieces carry such history with them! If only they could talk and share their stories with us! On this "White Wednesday" I thought I would share some of the really nice architectural elements we have here at Country Roads. 

As always, I want to thank Kathleen over at Faded Charm for continuing this tradition of "White Wednesdays"! I know that I have personally enjoyed participating in our "WW" postings and seeing all the other wonderful "White Wednesday" posts as well! I hope you all enjoy your day.


  1. I love old architectural details too, it may be because modern design is so square, plain and boring? at least to me it is, too bad there aren't any salvage yards in the area where I live. Love your pictures.
    Have a wonderful day!
    XXX Ido

  2. Sue, why does your shop seem to have the best things? Are y'all hoarding it all in Cali? OMG, I so want to come shopping there. Just for fun, would you let me know how much the arch piece is in the last pic? Maybe Tim can bring with him to Texas in the Fall :)

  3. As always it is so fun to see how unique CR's is put together.
    Unlike any other shop I have seen!
    Boy, that kitty cats face is on a lot of merch. LOL That means some very happy customers right?
    Thanks for your comment today Sue,
    this is why I love your shop. You completely understand what its all about :)

  4. Just to be around this cool stuff would be such a pleasure. I can't have enough of it. But I can't afford this kind of cool stuff.

  5. OMG all that Architectural Salvage Swooning has made me light headed! *winks* I almost couldn't get past photo #1... I'd be trying to figure out how to get something like that Home and into this ole' House *LOL* The Man would be clutching his chest and his wallet if I walked into any place with that much Architectural eye candy! *Smiles*

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  6. I love this stuff , it is really hard to find around here and when you do it's sky high in price . but it can add so much to a house .

  7. Those are amazing, so massive, would love in my house, Celeste,victoriantailor.com

  8. Those are some great ways to wow us on WW!


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!