
This & That & Things I Love!

I love this time of year when the school year is wrapping up, the days are longer, and it begins to feel a lot like summer is on its way. Those beach going, flip flops on, doing nothing days of summer, oh how I loved those days when I was a kid! I have to confess, I still kind of love those days and I'm anxiously looking forward to summer. I think I might have to purchase that little sign above. It is calling my name, and I would love to hang it behind our counter at Country Roads. The pictures below are just "this & that" of things that caught my eye the other day while working at my favorite place, Country Roads! We have a lot of "reds" in the store right now, and red is one of my favorite colors and also a reminder that the 4th of July is only weeks away.

I'm starting to feel so much better now after a few days off from "the store"! As much as I love being there, after 12 or 13 days with only one day off, I was really beginning to miss my time at home. For those of you that have kids graduating from pre-school, kindergarten, grade school, high school or college, I congratulate you all. Kids are what keep us young, no matter how old we get! Take care.


  1. The store looks dressed for summer.
    That is one of the things I do like about living in Vegas...it is almost flip flop season year round :)

  2. Im drooling over the old wood swing in Shaun and Jenny space. I can't wait to go to my favorite place THE STORE. Have a great week

    see you soon

  3. Red is one of my favorites too! Love that boat and all of the patriotic displays! Thanks for sharing, t. xoxox

    I want to be there now!!
    Keep up the good work :))
    Have a wonderful day!!
    Your newest follower,

  5. OMG that wooden and tin swing! Just beautiful - wish I was there to buy it! Ann

  6. Sue thank you so very much for sharing the spaces from all the creative people from your store. It truly inspires me and makes me want to create better displays myself.


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!