
What Caught My Eye Today

Country Roads. . . "always your favorite, never the same"! Without a doubt, each and every day at Country Roads there are always different things that have just arrived to catch our eyes. There are days that the "eye candy" I get to work around is simply amazing. Below is just a very small collection of what caught my eye today! Hope some of these things catch your eyes as well.

Most of you that shop with us all the time know that Johnnye Merles Garden and Nurseries was built on top of what use to be an asphalt parking lot. And over the many years, it has matured and I often forget about that fact. If you look closely at the picture above, you can see where a sunflower somehow rooted itself in the asphalt and is growing. Pretty amazing, just as our gardens are. I've mentioned in my blog that I've really started working on my own garden at home. I'm really enjoying it. I've missed it to be honest. If you are like me, and really into gardening this year, you MUST stop by Country Roads and take a peek outside at Johnnye Merle's!  I just planted some sunflowers when I got home from "the store" tonight! Today three different trucks made deliveries of  some awesome plants! If you are a fan of Annie's Annuals, we have those too! Hope to see you all this week-end. Happy Spring!!


  1. love it all Sue especially that screen door!!!
    Oh, today we got an est. on fake grass for the backyard, thats my gardening for the spring, lol.
    Enjoy your flowers.

  2. Oh Sue - what eye candy you brought today on your blog! I couldn't scroll through the photos fast enough and then I went back through for seconds! If only I were closer... Loved everything!


  3. Fun post. So much wonderful eye candy!

    blessings and happy Saturday

    barbara jean

  4. Hey Sue, always love seeing pics of the store. Happy weekend, T

  5. Awesome pictures! It's amazing that a sunflower can grow in asphalt! I think maybe I'll plant a few myself. I been enjoying working in the garden too, and I'm looking forward to seeing how your garden progresses. Have a nice weekend, Mary :O)

  6. I love Country Roads--you never know what kind of wonderful treasures await you, and it is always changing--love it!! Hope you and your Country Roads crew have a wonderful weekend.

  7. i *LOVE* that map of south america!! hoping i can get my hands on something like that one of these days...
    have a great weekend!

  8. the suitcases are pretty cool!


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