
Learning To Walk!

At ten months old, my baby boy Bodhi is ready to walk!  He is taking a couple of steps here and there. I use to get excited when the girls learned to walk until I realized how mobile they become once they have the whole walking/running thing down! Today Bodhi got a lot of encouragement and help from his sister Riley, his cousin Morgan, and his Auntie Justine!

This past Monday night we went to Islands for Brande's birthday. After dinner, my "little man" was ready to GO!!. Not only to walk, but jump as well. With his hands held, he was so proud as he walked to the car. They grow so fast, in the "blink of an eye"! I do my best not to miss a moment of any of my grandbabies lives! I know how fortunate I am to have them be a part of my daily life and not a day goes by that I am grateful for that!!


  1. oh Sue you have your hands full! lol
    I remember wanting those walking days so bad with Brooklyn, he still doesn't walk, no he RUNS, everywhere!!!
    I can just see it by next month the girls will be chasing him around the house. Get ready, but I am sure you remember these days from your own babies. Is it like deja vu? 2 girls and a boy all over again?
    Take care and get those running shoes ready

  2. That's so funny, I never even thought of the deja vu factor until Amy mentioned it!
    I was glad when my girls learned to walk cuz I would rather run after them than have to carry them. lol
    It was the talking that drove me crazy. You spend so much time coaching them "ma ma, ma ma" then in a short time it's "OMG please make them stop for just a second" especially my youngest, she's a talker just like her daddy. lol

    Thanks for sharing Sue, those faces melt my heart especially Bo with those big blue eyes.

    Have a great weekend,

  3. How sweet is he?? It's true they grow up so fast! Pretty soon you won't even be able to keep up so enjoy like I know you do!!

  4. Thanks for sharing Sue. Take care and get those running shoes ready.

    Silver MLM

  5. How adorable--all the kids look so happy!! Great post. Bodhi looks like he can not wait to get going, there will be no stopping him. Have fun,


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