
White Wednesday

This "White Wednesday" is arriving a little bit early since it is Tuesday afternoon. But when you, or I should say, when "I am" behind in my paperwork, I have to force myself to not let my mind wander to other places and focus! How boring, right? That is how I feel right now. So, with all that said, I hope you enjoy my "White Wednesday" post. The pictures that are posted all come from one of my very talented, and sweetest dealers ever, Cindy Finch! Seems like she has been a part of my family forever. And I do have to say one more thing, Cindy is the most kind and caring person you could ever meet, and has a very soft spot in her heart for our "furry friends" as well! Below are just a few of the many beautiful vignettes that Cindy always puts together!

Be sure to spend some time over on Kathleen's blog! I personally love all her posts and am never disappointed with the eye candy she has to share with us! I hope you all have a wonderful Easter. And hey, if you live near Country Roads, myself and my boy Bryce will be there on Easter from 10am to 3pm just in case you are in the mood to shop! Take care.


  1. What a great space. Love the wicker! Have a wonderful Easter, Sue! xoxo Debra

  2. Chandy's, and statues, and chippy paint....OH MY!!!! I love it all!!!!

  3. Thanks for featuring Cindy's space architectural salvage is my thing! I am visiting from White Wednesday.

  4. Pretty fabulous stuff here! What a great space.

  5. Did I ever tell you that thru Kathleen is how I discovered CR's?
    I had no idea what I would discover when arriving that first time...and now I am addicted. It is always a stop on our travels to Cali.
    Thank goodness for WW.

  6. CR's is certainly on My Bucket List.... I really Love the photo with the love up of the Old Silver.... Beautiful~

  7. I have such a soft spot for wicker, so you can imagine what I love the most in the photos...right?

  8. She certainly does have some great treasure. i see quite a few that would look wonderful in my house:)

    Enjoy your Easter and don't work too hard.


  9. Love your White Wednesday pick...Cindy's spaces are always beautiful but then again so is everything in CR!
    Happy Easter egg hunting to you and your sweet grandbabies!!

  10. Great vignettes everywhere I love those chandys and that great wicker sofa ...needing that for my beach place!!
    Tammy :-)

  11. Wow Sue, what an awesome eye she has. I'd so love one day to come to your store. Maybe when I retire I can seriously hit the road. Happy WW!

  12. Hi Sue,
    Visiting from Faded Charm, love everything! you have a fabulous blog, became your follower!
    Have a great day!
    XXX Ido

  13. Happy White Wednesday to you - such lovely & delightful whites you've shared - the chippy paint is divine :O)

  14. Happy White Wednesday to you!
    LOVE every single chippy white piece of this post!

  15. Beautiful whites. So much eye candy. ~~Sherry~~


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!