
Three Ways To Help Keep You In Shape!

So, are you looking for  ways to stay in shape, burn a lot of calories, and sleep good at night? I think I may have the answer for you. They are called "my babies", yes my little grandbabies can provide this service for you at no additional charge. Forget the trainers, don't worry about calories, because you don't have time to eat. And having a problem sleeping? Again, no problem! I promise you that at the end of the day, you will be a bit worn out but will go to bed with a smile on your face. Riley is four years old, Morgan is 22 months, and Bodhi is nine months old. And they are all BUSY!! These are some of their adventures of our day together!

I don't think Bodhi was all that excited about the purple Easter bonnet on his head. Actually I have NO idea where the purple Easter bonnet came from! I wish I could warn Riley and Morgan ahead of time that in a few years, payback is coming their way from my little baby Bo! Yes, the day was busy and had its "moments", but I know in my heart that not everyone has the opportunity to spend this much time with their little ones. What more could I ask for? Think I will be sleeping pretty good tonight with a heart filled with gratitude for the life that I have!


  1. Oh yes Sue I am with you! That is exactly how I feel at days end when I have the Grands for a Day! I too lost weight and yes a good work out! They are darling! oxox, Diane

  2. oh Sue, they are so cute playing together.
    We had that same table for Brooklyn and it taught him to dance.
    Ooh the memories...looks like a super fun day

  3. Oh yeah I totally get that. I've not had trouble sleeping AT ALL since my ONE went to TWO! Good thing they're so darn cute, huh?

    They are very lucky that they're grandma has the energy to spend so much time with them. Very lucky indeed. :)

  4. Oh I so know what your talking about!!! By the end of the day, I am so darn tired I can't even stay up and have movie night with the hubby anymore. Your babies are so beautiful, what a lovely family you have!
    Have a great night.

  5. OMGosh Sue, Morgan totally reminds me of one of those Precious Moments dolls in the picture where she is by herself.
    I don't know where you get the energy to keep up with three little ones. God bless you for that! I can barely keep up with my 11yo and I don't even have to chase her around or change diapers and stuff.

    What sweet blessings they are,

  6. They are little dolls. I think Bo already knows how to push Morgan's buttons! They're growing so fast.

    I'm still drooling over that sofa too!

  7. Hi Sue, happy I dropped by when there was such a great post, I have always enjoyed hearing about your love for these kids. With two houses now and the business growing rapidly I have little time to blog read. So glad I took the time to check in on you! Hope life is good and business is Hopping! ~ Lil' Easter pun! Have a great weekend~ Jacque

  8. Busy...that's the perfect word to describe 'em. I know I need a nap after just one of my girls goes home. I don't know how you manage to wrangle three!

  9. I could just look at these pictures forever! Your life is so full and rich with beautiful babies! Give them all a big smooch from Aunt Malaysia!


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