
Spring & Johnnye Merles Gardens & Nursery

With all the rain we have had here in sunny SoCal, it has been good for our gardens, but also brought along with it lots & lots of weeds! Brande, with the help of Darcy, spent most of the week-end not only getting rid of the weeds, but cleaning up, and re-displaying a good part of Johnnye Merle's Gardens & Nursery! I think this year, more than ever, those of us that live here are REALLY looking forward to Spring. I was able to snap a few pictures before my battery went dead on my camera. Not sure "why" these things always happen to me!

If you would like more information on Johnnye Merle's Garden's and Nursery, you can always go visit their blog right here! I'm not scheduled to work at the store today, and believe me, my desk at home is covered with plenty of work that needs to be done. But once my camera battery charges, I am going to make a trip back to Country Roads! It's been so long since I've had the "time" to take enough pictures to put together one of our Country Roads slide shows. I've mentioned before that one of my goals this year is to put together a website so those of you that live out of the area, but still want to "shop" at Country Roads, will be able to do just that, shop "Country Roads Online"! With all that said, the sun is shining here today, and Spring is just around the corner!. I wish you all a happy week, and as always, be sure to stop by and see us! Take care.


  1. Ooooooh!!! Country Roads Online! I can hardly wait.... looking forward to that!

  2. I love the way your Nurseries incorporate vignettes of Salvage Finds... wish ours did that... perhaps then I'd spend even more time looking for plants?! *winks*

    Dawn... The Bohemian


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