
Spring Is In The Air!

You know it's Spring time when it you start seeing all the little ones all decked out to play baseball!  This year is Riley's first year playing t-ball. She is so excited, and I'm excited for her because when I was a kid I use to play baseball in the street in front of her house. I grew up in this house that Riley and her family live in. Katie & Vinnie bought it after my folks passed away. Actually, Bodhi's room is my old bedroom. The tree Riley is standing in front of is a beautiful old magnolia tree that my Dad planted after I was born. The tree is huge now, but carries so, so many memories for me! Yesterday was picture day for Riley's team, the Angels. Before Katie and I left for "the store" yesterday, I wanted to take a few pictures of my favorite little t-ball player!!

Riley's Daddy, Vinnie, is one of the coaches. He's been very excited to get all Riley's "gear" for her. Do you notice touches of "pink" in her glove, and on her shoes? Also in the background is her bag, of course it has to have pink as well! And when Vinnie couldn't find a pink bat, it didn't stop him. He did what any good Daddy would do! He spray painted it pink! Yes, Spring is in the air and Riley's team, the Angels, should have their first game very soon! I'll keep you posted.


  1. awww, this is too sweet
    Good Luck Riley!
    Oh Sue she is adorable, i did notice her glove but the bat story is AWESOME, that is a great dad!

    I know Rudy is dying for Brooklyn to get to this stage of life. Heck, last night was Rudys first night back at softball and you would have thought Brooklyn was on the team by the way he was dressed to go watch him play.
    We would have to be on the Dodgers though :0

  2. Go Angels!!! What fun. Love all the pink--you go girl! What an awesome time and to have your dad be one of the coaches--priceless. Can't wait for the updates.

  3. ahh...CUTE...oh the memories that brings back...I. can. not. wait until mine get old enough to play!

  4. Soooo cute!!!
    Those pants look a little too white, she's gonna need a couple of good sliders to break them in.

    It must be so awesome to be so close to all your childhood memories and share them with your grandkids(and with us of course).


  5. Cute, cute, triple cute! Daddy sure scored a home run with the spray paint on my score card!

  6. What a cutie! I remember T-Ball, the kids didn't care whether they won or lost so long as they got their snacks, it was hysterical!

    Dawn... The Bohemian


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