
"BSC" Sunday

Some of you know we have a term for some of the really tough Sundays we have at Country Roads. We refer to them as "BSC Sunday". I must say that, thankfully, it has been some time since we've experienced a "BSC Sunday" that was this tough! I'm sitting here at my computer this morning not only exhausted, but in disbelief, that I have to actually go BACK to Country Roads for day four! My brain is just "done", not too many cells left and my legs are screaming at me that they don't want to go! So, here are some of the "faces" behind our "BSC Sunday" yesterday!

I have used these "faces" that actually are here at Country Roads, not really to protect the innocent, but to protect myself from getting yelled at or an unfriendly email! I don't really understand "why" days like this happen, but when they do, wow. When words come of our special customers mouths on a "BSC Sunday", I sometimes just have to stand and stare for a moment or two and ask myself, "did they really just say that"? On the flip side of this coin, I want to sincerely thank all of our other customers that are so nice and remind me why I love what I do! Okay, now I have to convince myself that I really do have to go back to "the store" today! Have a great week!!


  1. The lovely statue in the second pic...my 3 year old laughed hysterically when we saw that!!!

  2. Okay, you made me laugh my ass off! I wish I could laugh my ass off! Anyhoo, funny how you gave us a subliminal preview for the naked guy statue. You know...the cock in the first picture! I am now going to name all your bizarre dummies! Back soon with the names!

  3. Why do people have to be so mean
    Shopping is supposed to be a happy experience that takes us away.
    So silly that people have to put others down to make themselves feel better. I feel for ya, I don't miss working with the public at all.
    And why do you walk into an antique shop if you don't have the money and then try to barter the price, then get upset if not given to you.
    Silly silly silly.
    Hope today,ney, this week is bettter for ya.
    Someone once gave me some great advice that said,"take it one day at a time"...thanks

  4. So sorry to hear you had a BSC Sunday. Hoping this week is busy, but nice :)

  5. Naked Guy statue just made me chuckle... and I'm glad you kept your sense of humor in spite of having had a rough weekend serving the public... alas, not everyone gets along and plays well with others. Perhaps they should have had Naked Guy Statue standing beside you to lighten their mood up, because I don't care who you are, that's funny!!! *winks*

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  6. You know what the problem is? Naked guy is driving all the women batty!
    Tutu funny!
    P.S. You might want to "preview" Mal's name suggestions..I can only imagine!


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