
White Wednesday

This "White Wednesday" finds me at home cleaning, putting away Christmas, and cleaning some more! With all the Christmas gone, I put together a new centerpiece on my old farm table. As I cleaned & cleaned, and bitched & bitched while I was doing it, I did take the time to notice the different "whites" in my home and their varying textures and colors. So, here's few of my favorites from my home, all cleaned up!

What I love about cats, is they do what they want to do. This cat (not mine) showed up in my garden right after the rain and cold had started to clear away. He is so white, beautiful, and big, but would never pose for me! Maybe another day. I hope you all take the time to stop by and visit Kathleen, our hostess that has gathered all of us together for "White Wednesday". Happy New Year to you all!!!


  1. That cat knows exactly where to go for some warmth and food!

  2. PURR-fect.
    I love the furry ball in the garden not paying you a bit of attention.
    Taking over your property without a care in the world.
    I love cats.
    Great table scape to.
    I love a great display with awesome textures and heights.
    Happy WW

  3. Sue,
    Visiting from Kathleen's. Your whites are beautiful. Love the chippy whites, the pure whites and the kitty who stopped by.
    I'm off to check your older posts now!

  4. After Christmas is a great time to do a little cleaning! Love all your pretty vintage whites.

  5. Now, if you just had another E and two Ls, you could spell my middle name! Are you still Googling? You never came back to the story!

  6. hands down, that's a great centerpiece! Lezlee

  7. hands down, that's a great centerpiece! Lezlee

  8. Sue I'm loving all your beautiful freshly cleaned Whites. Had to smile at your comment though, I haven't done a deep clean nor taken Christmas down yet, because I know the "process" is daunting me and I'll be fussing as I go... *wink* At least you had the momentum to get everything neat, orderly and created a beautiful New Year vignette so you can now sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Happy New Year... Dawn... The Bohemian

  9. I love all the colors and textures of your whites, especially the first photo. You clean like I do....clean a little, bitch a lot. I like things to be clean, I just don't like to be the one who has to do it.

    Enjoy your week and your warmth because it has been so cold here.


  10. You always have exciting white things at home. HWW

  11. Such beautiful whites, but my favorite is the first grouping with the hand molds, just gorgeous... and of course of love the white fur ball, so sweet!!! Happy White Wednesday!
    Blessings~~~ Daphne

  12. Oh.... I want the "E"!!! AND the cat! I love it all!!!

    ;-D robelyn

  13. Boogieboard CottageJanuary 5, 2011 at 8:30 AM

    Hi Sue, I love all of your white! I'm going to be cleaning the house today, not my favorite thing to do, I'd rather blog or decorate or craft. Your kitty visitor looks like my Huggy Bear! Mary :O)

  14. Sue - I adore all the white chippiness in your vignettes! Just perfect imperfection! :) Happy WW to you!

    xoxo laurie

  15. what a pretty white cat, looks right at home in your garden.

  16. You do have so many great chippy whites... my favorite has to be that first photo. That assemblage of goodies is so cool! Theresa xoxo


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