
Looking to Exercise, Lose Weight & Sleep Good?

So many people are always looking for ways to exercise, to lose weight, to keep busy and sleep well at night. I can tell you, look no further, because I hold the solution, the answers to all the above. Spend a couple of days with Bodhi, Riley, and Morgan and I assure you that my grandbabies will promise to get you in shape!! That's another reason their Gramma hasn't been blogging as much the past two days. Here's how I've exercised the past two days. And I swear, Bodhi, at six months is now almost the same size as Morgan even though there is a 13 month age difference between them. I'm wondering if that is why my back hurts?

Nothing better than a picture of a sleeping baby, so sweet and innocent! That is going to be me pretty soon, although my mouth will probably be hangin' open with drool coming out, and snoring. And with all that said, I couldn't be anymore grateful to have spent my past couple of days in my own little three ring circus! Wouldn't trade my time with my babies for anything! I'll be back soon with some Country Roads "eye candy" when I go back to my "other" job tomorrow! Take care.


  1. Sue that last pic is too adorable!!!
    I agree with all but the sleep part, that is why it is good to be grandma
    the kids go to their rightful owners at night.LOL
    Brooklyn is right there making my back hurt more than ever before.
    Time to start walking more.
    So fun to see them all so happy.
    Have a good night

  2. You lucky, lucky, tired woman! I bet your day was full of love! That last picture of Bodhi is adorable!Snore, girl, snore!

  3. What a terrifc way to get in shape. That Bo is tooo stinkin cute. Well they all are. Glad to see that they are givin grandma a run for her money:) Enjoy your babies they are so very precious.


  4. I'm getting two new additions to my family this year, and I can't wait! Of course it will be a few months before they can work me out, but I'm looking forward to it! Have a great weekend my friend!

  5. The other day, inspired by all the little kids in the play area of the mall, my 19 year old asked me: Mom, could you do the "baby-thing" again?...I thought about it and even though my first thought was: I have to work hard just to get enough energy to do the "sex thing" again!!!!...I responded: NO!! I think I can wait for the grand babies! After reading your post, I'm even re-thinking that theory!!!!!

  6. Sounds like fun. I remember after I had my third a friend came over to visit and her comment to me was "Now I know how you stay so thin". With 3 kids ages 4 and under it was "go go go" 24/7. I do miss those days.

    That little guys is so darn cute and already getting big.

    Enjoy your weekend.


  7. I can see why you are exhausted, but they are so cute. Love the last picture, Bo is getting so big.
    Hope you have some easy days at Country Roads, to give you a little more time to recuperate.
    Take care,

  8. Adorable, all of them! Running around after them and lifting and 6 month old would tire out anyone. Looks like you and they, had a wonderful time. Ann


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