
White Wednesday

It's "White Wednesday" and I'm sharing only a few of the many awesome "whites" we have at Country Roads. I LOVE the photo above with all the little vintage mirrors hanging from the vintage tin roof made from vintage ceiling tins! It really looks cool, trust me on that one. So please find just a little time to sit back and enjoy some pictures from my favorite store, Country Roads, on this "White Wednesday"!

I hope you enjoyed this small collection of whites at Country Roads today! I also hope you will stop by and pay my friend, Kathleen,the one who began our first "White Wednesday". Thought I would end my post with a few words by Leonardo Da Vinci
"The first of all single colors is white ... We shall set down white for the representative of light, without which no color can be seen; yellow for the earth; green for water; blue for air; red for fire; and black for total darkness."


  1. I am trying so hard to get back to Cali, I really really want to see the shop for Christmas and make my list for santa...
    I can see that you have some amazing things in and the mirrors hanging are sooooo cooool!
    Happy WW

  2. The store is just gorgeous. Wish I was closer!

  3. Did I mention that I see a few things that I would like to have in my home? Could you gather those things up, slap em in the back of your car and head on over?

  4. Beautiful shop! Great vignettes!
    Thanks for sharing! wish I lived closer!
    Tammy :-)

  5. B E A U T I F U L !!!!

    Country Roads my saving grace


  6. Such beautiful whites today along with your saying. I still think you have the best job....even though I know there are days you would strongly disagree with me.

    I really enjoy all your photos of Country Roads and dream of the day I can come back in person.

    Take care,


  7. Sue... all those fabulous White Architectural Salvage elements and Shabby Cottage style furnishings are making my Heart skip a beat!!! Wow, I wouldn't know where to put all the stuff I'd want to drag Home with me!?! *wink* The displays are fabulous!

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  8. White may be the absence of color, but it is full of beauty!

  9. Oh I love all your white-ness. thanks so much for sharing. Now going back to really look at those pics closer.

  10. I love the pictures, especially the one with the snowmen, how cute!I know there's going to some really spectacular Christmas displays the next time I visit there! Mary :O)

  11. Great pictures, Sue. I always love treating myself to your wonderful shop. These pictures just remind me it is time for a visit. Take care,

  12. If I am ever in So-Cal I have to stop by! Looks amazing...Marcia up in Nor-Cal


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!