
Today is a Very Special Day

Today is a very special day for me indeed! It is my dear, sweet friend, RuFie's birthday. The nickname "RuFie" kind of stuck with Ruthie when she had sent Riley a little gardening book a few years ago. And Riley would say, "RuFie sent this to me"? My RuFie, a role model, a Mom to me, my friend, an inspiration and so much more, is 80 years young today. I've known this amazing woman for years. I know some of you know her too from her days at Country Roads. In the third building, in the back, she magically created "Back Door Cottage". Some of her favorite green paint still graces the walls back there. There was a big birthday party for my friend a few weeks ago. As I look at my RuFie dancing, that song "I Hope You Dance" keeps coming into my head. At 8o years young, my RuFie is a role model not only to me, but I think to many of us. She has lived such a full live. In her 70's she went on a cruise with an "old flame" and rode a camel in Africa. Amazing! She has always cherished her time in the garden. The other day, I wass just talking to the couple that bought the house that RuFie and her daughter Susan sold. Funny how life works that now I know these customers, they shop at Country Roads, and get to hear all about RuFie's garden as they continue to take care of it and love and nourish it! A few months ago, my friend was able to get together with her entire family. RuFie has two sons, one daughter, and three grandkids that she adores! I love this picture and the smile on her face! I've never got to visit RuFie yet in Florida, but it is definitely near the top of my list of things to do. She has always had a way with decorating. She is just a natural at it. I so miss her little Back Door Cottage area at Country Roads! There are days when I'm missing her, I will wander over to that part of the store and as lame as it sounds, just stand there for a few minutes remembering the good old days. She use to host "Operation Sell" at her home for myself and some of our dealers. The purpose was to think of ways to promote Country Roads and come up with marketing ideas. An amazing person, my friend RuFie is! My friend RuFie and I share this "thing" with the word "HOPE"! It means a great deal to us both, such a powerful word! When either of us are feeling a little "down" we send quotes or poems to each other in emails, but always hang on to "HOPE", it is truly has a special meaning! RuFie also writes very well. She sent this to me after she moved to Florida, and had to leave the garden she loved behind. . .

This is a "story" I wrote about my garden in 1997. I had forgotten all about it being tucked away in my Bits of Wisdom file until you wrote about planting a garden with Riley.
My Garden
Once, while standing in the garden surrounded by piles of trimmings---you know sweet peas do turn brown and hollyhocks do need to be cut back---a visitor remarked, "Is the reward worth the work?" I was momentarily stunned by this remark---Work??? I truly had never considerate this "work". We take care of the things we value.

I liken gardening to the rearing of children. Seeds are sown and then you nuture. Plants and children need discipline and loving guidance so they are aware of their boundaries.If care has been taken you step back and wait and then you marvel at the beautiful blooms. Then you smile--Wow---What a reward. Work?? What a strange word.

Sometime we all have to say goodnight to all of our creations. The joy comes in knowing we have been given the pleasure of creating the ulitmate garden path. What a life!
! RuFie is always sending me little gifts in the mail to let me know she is thinking of me. I love RuFie so much. She is the Mom to me that I never had. My Mom was pretty withdrawn most of her life, not that was her fault, she had a rough childhood.So today, I'm thrilled to celebrate my RuFie's big day, 80 years young and full of life, love, and wisdom. She is truly an inspiration to us all, especially me!


  1. Aww, Happy Birthday Rufie!!
    I hope you get to see her soon Sue,
    you have a strong bond for sure.
    Take care

  2. Happy Birthday Rufie!!!!!! What a wonderful friend you have Sue. I hope you get to see her soon. Ann

  3. Happy B-day Rufie! I think ou own yourself a trip to Florida, my friend...the sooner, the better!

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