
Thanksgiving 2010, DONE!

I kind of felt like Bodhi in the picture above this Thanksgiving. A little upside down in all the chaos of Thanksgiving, but it was good chaos, nonetheless! Katie's husband, Vinnie, is Italian. He has a lot of family which would be an understatement. It makes my family look small. So, with Brande gone, myself, Katie, Justine, Bryce, Morgan, Riley and her cousin Apple, spent some time in Riley's room. Yes, there were THAT many people. It was a little "Jackson" time, so to speak. Here are a few pictures of the time we grabbed as a family. And yes, Riley has a drum set in her bedroom, and actually is pretty good

As you all know we are all really family, and later in the evening Vinnie handed me the phone. It was Brande calling from France, you know, that phone call made me know that it was really Thanksgiving. My family will fight with each other from time to time, but we don't hold grudges. At the end of the day we can all go to sleep knowing that "we ARE family" as corny as that sounds. Hope you all had as wonderful of Thanksgiving as I did!


  1. OMG SUE you made me laugh so hard with your story of Thanksgiving.
    Yep maybe my quiet Thanksgiving ain't so bad.
    I am so glad you got to talk to Brande, what a blessing.
    Thanks for giving me a smile and a good laugh when I needed it.
    BTW Santa is bringing Brooklyn Drums for Christmas this year, wish me luck
    Hope the shop isn't tooo crazy for ya today.
    Take care

  2. Four kids in a room with a drum set could be a disaster! So glad you didn't have a drum concert last night, but so glad that you enjoyed your family get together! I know that Brande calling from France just made your Thanksgiving complete! Have a good day at work today!

  3. Drums? You are brave person! Glad you had a great day!


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!