
Just In

We have a new dealer space at Country Roads. The dealer isn't new, she's very familiar with Country Roads. She just asked that I wait a bit to take pictures of her space until it was more full, and closer to be completed. I will tell you though, she sold an awesome old two piece cupboard the first day it came in, and it wasn't cheap either. I think she was a bit shocked, as it has been awhile since she's done this. Here are a few pictures below of her little space.

There's much more to come, but I know the stuff will be some great primitive & country stuff along with some of vintage advertising as well. Once she decides to let you know who the dealer is, I'll be sure to post some more pixs and let you know as well. Hope you all stop in to see us this week-end. For those of you that enjoy cold weather, Country Roads can provide that for you! Yesterday when we opened it was 56 degrees INSIDE the store!! Take care.


  1. ooohh intrigued...
    Love the desk in the space, cubbies can't get enough cubbies.
    Good Luck to whomever it is!
    OOOHHH,58!! tell me about it, I tried hanging xmas lights outside last night and almost got frostbite
    28 degree low last night.
    We have gone from 112 to 28 my body has a hard time adjusting to this lol
    Take care

  2. Happy Holidays..read the blog every day! We have a new winter house in La Quinta so I will stop by this winter! Hugs Donna

  3. Playing hard to get, uh????? LOL!! I'll check the mystery dealer's space this week...can't wait to know who she is. The space looks great!!

  4. Okay, you can go ahead and tell everybody that the new dealer is me! Go ahead! :) That blue cabinet is dreamy! Sigh.

  5. What great Found Treasures... and I'm loving the colors! I'm sure this will be a popular booth to find just the right discoveries... and the presentation of it all is so well done!

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  6. Does she realize what a great family she just joined? It's looking good Ms. Kotter!


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