
Step Inside

As I've always said, Country Roads has a huge variety of merchandise. This past week, Jan & Al, completely put together a new look for Country Roads, the "Adirondack look"! While much of Adirondack type of furniture and accessories these days are reproductions, this is the real deal. Here are just a few pictures to show you what I mean!

I wish the above picture would have be more clear. It is really a beautiful table setting. We were busy, I was in a hurry, thus "the blur". One of my favorite things about Country Roads, even though it is my store, is the variety, quality of the merchandise and our displays. You can walk down the aisles, forget all your worries and just relax and hopefully have a nice shopping experience. I hope to see many of you this week-end. I think in January we start either our 18th or 19th year of business! Wow, where did that time go?


  1. This is one of Charles' favorite booths at your store. We had our home decorated in sort of the same theme, before I re-did everything white and coastal. I love the floral arrangment with the moss and twigs and that amoire is gorgeous! I love the pictures and pottery and colors. That's one thing I love about Country Roads is the variety of vintage styles.
    Mary :O)

  2. Wow, that "horse" couch is unbelievable. I am not very familiar with this style so this was an educational visit for me! Ann

  3. What a neat display and it's nice that is is different from the norm. Our basement is filled with old landscape oil paintings, deer heads, horns, maps,etc.... I had to have a place for all my husbands things. I like it, just not all over my house. Some of my followers might be surprised by this...do you think?

    My Dad has always done taxidermy as a hobby and my home as a kid was filled with all kinds of critters. I told my husband before we got married that our home was not going to be like that because I knew he liked to hunt, but we comprimised and added a basement when we built out house. Now he can showcase his trophies and I can have mine(rusty,crusty junk...LOL)

    Hope you are enjoying your weekend and not working too hard.



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