
A Little Industrial Eye Candy

We had an absolutely great day yesterday. We stayed busy, customers were the best, the totals at the end of the day blew me away, wasn't expecting that much. Something about good numbers and working hard that make you sleep really well! So, instead of rambling like I can do at times, I thought I would share some pictures of my boy Bryce's industrial stuff.

I love the door above. It was part of many things that Bryce and Tim got at the old Lincoln Heights Jail in Los Angeles. One day I want to do a post because there is so much history to that jail that is now, sadly, being torn down. It's such a small world. One of my friends down here in Old Towne Orange, Lisa who owns A&P Antiques with her Mom, was telling me her mom use to be a police officer there many years ago! With all that said, I hope you all have a great Sunday, and by all means, PLEASE stop by and see us. And if you have the desire for any of our industrial pieces to be "french industrial" I could easily change the tag to say that! Sorry, I still will never, ever understand when something might be "French" the price jumps up! Take care.


  1. Great stuff, I'm all about industrial.

    LOL, about the French thing. And half the time, it isn't even really French. :-)

  2. Wow the industrial stuff looks soooooo cool. Glad you had a great day yesterday, may your Sunday be all that you hope it to be. I agree-put french on anything--the price goes higher-funny how that happens.
    Wishing you and your Country Roads crew a great Sunday.

  3. Bryce, Bryce,Bryce...take me shopping with you! Just let me hang out with you so some of that talent might rub off on me! And let me remind you that your "apprentice" gets a discount! :)

  4. I just love it all Sue, that look just makes me swoon.
    I wish I had more space in my home for super big pieces like these.
    Oh you are so funny about the FRENCH term raising the price. I was at our poopy antique mall yesterday found awesome doll parts and they were untouchable, listed as FRENCH DOLL HANDS....umm okay???? The price ridiculous to match the ridiculous label.
    Take care and glad you are having a rockin' season

  5. Hi Sue,
    I've been in and I love your son's industrial space!! He has fantastic pieces. I am so glad the store rocked yesterday, but it has always been a fabulous place to shop.I know exactly what you mean, if something says French it is super expensive and highly sought after right now. I don't get it either.
    Have a wonderful Sunday!

  6. Cat Daddy was at an auction yesterday. Bryce would have lost his mind at the buys! 'Course most of it was projects...but I can tell that don't bother him none!
    P.S. At this particular auction, the auctioneer knows that if he adds the word french anywhere in the description it's Katy bar the door!
    P.P.S. Hmmm...do you think if the sign at a carnival said "French Kisses", they could double the price?

  7. Industrial with history...now that's cool.

  8. I know what you mean about the French thing! And most of the time it's not French at all! But those are some great photos! Your boy does good work!

  9. Bryce always shows us how incredible industrial really is!!

  10. Sue, because if they put "French" on it it will seem more appealing! And Anne is right, most of the time it isn't even French. Love all the industrial things.


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