
White Wednesday & A Giveaway!

So, this "White Wednesday" finds me cameraless and using the camera on my Iphone! Don't even ask about the camera issues! I thought the light in my bathroom was pretty good, especially since there is a skylight over the tub, and the bathroom is done in mostly whites, so this is where myself and my Iphone were snapping some photos. And please be sure to stop by Kathleen's blog to find a whole list of blogs filled with beautiful photos. And personally, I'm pretty fond of Kathleen and her blog posts as well!

Above is my old, clawfoot bathtub. I always "wonder" what it would be like to soak in a bubble bath in it. Actually, I've been wondering just that for the past two years since my "boys" (Bryce and Vinnie) never finished the plumbing to the old tub! Thanks guys and as you can tell I'm a very patient person, or at least most of the time!! I've never actually done a "giveaway" so you have to be patient with me here. I noticed the other day that this Friday will be my 750th post I've written. I wrote my first blog post on April 10th of 2008. I remember New Years Eve, waiting for 2009 to arrive. I made the decision that I would write a blog post everyday, and somehow I have kept that promise to myself! So, in honor of "promises", I will be giving away the awesome purse pictured above that was handmade by Sandra, one of my Country Roads dealers. And inside of it, I will add a copy of the new "Inspirations, Where Women Create"! Jenny Doh was so kind to host a book signing at Country Roads last summer. So, I guess this is what I'm supposed to say next in regards to what you have to do to "enter" to win the stuff! First, leave me a comment on any of my blog posts up until Sunday night letting me know you want to enter. Secondly, if you aren't a follower, start being one and you get two entries. And lastly, to get another entry, just tell me in a sentence or two how you "give back" to this crazy world of ours when you can! You know, as in "practicing random acts of kindness"! Monday I will have Riley pull out a name and let you all know who it is. And I promise I will mail the winner the purse & book to you. I say that because almost a year ago when Rachel Ashwell did a book signing of her new book at Country Roads I had Rachel sign a copy for my buddy, Malisa, and another copy for Debbie, as in Talking Trash. And sadly, I still haven't mailed them but I swear to you both, REALLY, they will be there any day now! Lastly, happy "White Wednesday" to you all!!


  1. I'll be sooooooooooooo happy if Riley picks me!!!! LOL!

  2. I'll be sooooooooooooo happy if Riley picks me!!!! LOL!

  3. I guess I really mean it because my comment was published twice!!!! LOL!!!!

  4. I love love love your bathroom and everything in it-!!!!

  5. I'm in all the way I am following too!! Your bathroom is so charming!! Ok so that is two entries for me and Marsela: Go Riley Go Riley

    great giveaway Sue


  6. You know what would make me really happy? If you hand delivered it...one of these days girl, one of these days we are gonna meet!
    Since I'm already a follower and would do it again in a heartbeat...howsabout I just add this to my sidebar and do a little shout out for YOU! Is that considered giving back for all the wonderful posts you have done and for sharing your CR family, children, g'kids and your mom and dad with us in such a warm way?

  7. I've loved your blog since I first found it and your website way before I even knew what a blog was. I follow, I think, but will make sure I do. How do I give back? Well, in the blogger world I try and promote others as much as I can. As Martha would say, that's a good thing. So what happened to your camera, oh never mind, you said not to ask :) And yes please enter me in the drawing.

  8. WOW Sue that is a lot of posting going on! And they are always so full of wonderful finds.
    Your home is just as stocked as CR, LOL.
    What a wonderful giveaway!
    I would love to enter you know I already follow.
    As for the giving back, well how many things can we list...
    Recycle everyday
    several times a year
    we give to needy children at shelters, all of Brooklyns clothes and toys to teach him the purpose of giving to others
    Donate blankets and supplies to the local NSPCA every Christmas.
    And I decorate and raise money for Henderson Libraries to add books to the childrens collection and the decorations go to local womens shelters/AIDS shelters to make their Christmas a little brighter.
    It just makes your heart feel better to give back in life.

  9. Ooooh, giveaways are fun, count me in please! Let's see...as far as giving back, I guess the biggest way that my husband and I do that, is by being foster parents. Our home is a "Treatment" foster care home. We work in a special program called "Multidementional Treatment Foster Care" or "MTFC". It's through Orange County Social Services. We take teenagers, ages 12-18, who have emotional and behaviorial challenges. They live with us for 6-18 months. During that time, we give them a calm, stable, normal living environment and help them learn better behaviors. When they graduate out of the program, we send to live with a non-abusive family member and get them permanently out of the system. We've been doing this for years and I feel like I recieve more from this program than I give, it's truely a joy to be a part of. Mary :O)

  10. Love, love, love the white dental/medical cabinet. So jealous. And kuddos to you at being such a good blogger. I go through spurts, sometimes three times a week, sometimes once every three weeks! My bad. But congrats! I'm following now :) As to giving giving back? I guess I try to help others where and whenever I can. I've volunteered my time to help a few friends and acquaintances get started in this great big blog world, and help market their businesses. In this tough economic times, I do what I can to lend a hand.

  11. I would be tres contente if Riley picked me.....

    A tres bientot,

    Leeann x

  12. Wow Sue I would probably walk into your bathroom and forget what I was there to do, I'd spend the whole time looking at all your neat stuff!

    BTW I am already one of your followers does that count for a second entry? I would really like a chance at that book!

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  13. Hi Sue ~ love your bathroom, it looks so big!! 750 posts ~ WOW! Hope Riley picks me for the wonderful giveaway!! Happy WW!!

  14. Your i-phone did a great job capturing your beautiful bath! I love it, Marcia

  15. Oooohhhhh, razor straps! As a child, I was always threatened with a razor strap although I didn't know what one was, had never seen one nor did my parents own one...but I should have been beat with one! :)

    As you know I am already a follower and I don't like to talk about what I do to give back, but I try to help those in need.

    Okay, Riley, draw Aunt Malaysia's name!

  16. Very pretty and on theme!

    Please don't forget to stop by and link up with Giveaway Friday. Our link will be up Thurs by 9. Jane F.

  17. What a Beautiful Bathroom ~ That Tub is Fabulous, I think I would somehow Plug the Drain Hole & fill it with Buckets of Water ~ What a Relaxing Treat that would be.....

    750 Posts, Oh My! Your a Better Woman than I.... Please Enter Me, I am Also a Follower ~

    Have a Wonderful Week ~ Thanks for stopping by & visiting on Millers B-Day, Don't they Grow before our eyes....

  18. Oh boy! Can you get that prize to me before we leave for Texas! LOL! So, I'm sure you know I want to enter! I'm already a follower and I usally stop and give money to peope that are broke down on the side of the road and have a sign of destress! Not sure if the destress is real or not, but they have to answer for that! It makes me feel like I'm helping in some small way!

  19. Oh My Gosh! So I actually had to go back and realize that that was YOUR bathroom! How fantastic! Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting! I still lust after the Seal Beach area and Mr. T and I are seriously considering a relocation in a couple of years - no kidding.

    I love the pic of Riley and Bo on your sidebar. You are an awesome grandma.


  20. Nice bathroom - love all the vintage doodads.

    I knew you posted a lot but every day? Talk about dedicated!

    I think you blog name says it all..be kind. Navigate through life with a positive attitude, smile instead of scowling, be gracious and thankful for each new day.

  21. Sue, you are one amazing gal, I really don't know how you find the time to run the store, be the matriarch, and write a blog post every day. I feel like I'm part of the scene out there with you when I read of all the goings on in your world. And I try to go by the golden rule, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Just to look for ways to bless others. You really DO bless all of us!
    big hugs and lots of love, congrats on your major milestone!

  22. Great giveaway. I am already a follower. Your blog is so beautiful. I try and find people and family's who need a little help and while buying my own groceries pick some up for them also. I am a shamed to even write this after reading Mary's at boogie board cottage, What a big and special heart!! I know My oldest son had his share of problems and we had no help. God bless you Mary. Thank you for such a beautiful blog to help remind us to practice random acts of kindness. Your pics are gorgeous. Thanks for the chance. Good luck everyone. Carol


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!