

I've missed being "home"! I'm a person that is all about the simple things in life, and just the pleasure of being "home" is something I enjoy. I've been working too much this summer, this I know. I've missed my home, my garden, and most of all, my grandbabies. I'm a big Jack Johnson fan, and one of my favorite songs of his is "Home"! I thought I'd include his lyrics this morning, along with some things I miss, including my sad looking garden and the smiling faces of my grandbabies!

I've got to get home there's a garden to tend.
There's fruit on the ground and the birds have all moved back
Into my attic with whistling static
When the young learn to fly I will patch all the holes up again.

Well I can't believe that my lime tree is dead.
I thought it was sleeping, I guess it got fed up with not being fed
And I would be too.
I need food in my belly and hope that my time isn't soon.

And so I'll try to understand what I can't hold in my hands
And wherever we are home is there too.
And if you could try to find it too 'cause this place is overgrowing
to whacks and gloom
Home is wherever we are if there's nothing too.

In the back of house is trail that won't end.
We've been walking so far that it grew back in
There's no trail at all only grass growing tall
And I'll get out my machete and battle with time once again,
But I'm bound to lose 'cause I'll be damned if time don't win.

I got to get home there's a garden to tend
All the seeds from the fruit bear Eden
Begin their own family trees, teach them thank you and please
As they spread their own roots then watch the young fruit grow again
And this old trail will lead me right back to where it begins.

And so I'll try to understand what I can't hold in my hand
And whatever I find, I'll find my way back to you.
And if you could try to find it too 'cause this place is overgrowing
to whacks and gloom.
Home is wherever we are if there's nothing too
I'm "home" for a couple of days, and it just feels good, you know?


  1. home is where the heart is even if we are away from it.

  2. Is there anything more precious than those grand babies of yours. They are truly little angels. I know you have worked so much this summer and hopefully you will have sometime soon to enjoy the beauty and comforts of your home.

    Have a great day!!

  3. My goodness, you deserve to be home for a few days. What a weekend you had! It was so nice to see you yesterday. We were there when you opened, and then went to lunch and when we returned to the shop it was already crowded!
    You deserve a nice rest. I introduced my friend to your place yesterday and she was in heaven. Will see you again soon. Thanks so much.

  4. Love me some Jack Johnson
    Home is were I wanna be.
    can't wait to get there next month.

  5. I'm so with ya on the home thing, I built my own shop on property so I never have to leave...(in theory)now to build the clientele...I here tell here in Ioway, if you build it, they will come...

    Have a wonderful day at home...relax!

  6. Enjoy your days off! Never forget that life is short.

  7. Enjoy your time off, Sue...you sure deserve it!!!


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!