
Vintage Inspiration Friday

I'm joining my special buddy, Debra over at Common Ground for "Vintage Inspiration Friday"! And I will continue to remind you all, what a totally giving, wonderful person Debra truly is!! After working six days this past week, I managed to grab two days off in a row. And when I came in today, this is what was waiting for me! Tim & Lisa were quite busy as you will be able to tell by my pictures. I've known Tim for almost 20 years now. And his creativity never, ever ceases to amaze me. He can use vintage things in ways none of us could ever imagine. In all my years in this business, I have never met anyone as creative as Tim. These are just a few of his latest creations!

Do you see what I mean about his creativity? Tomorrow I will post the rest of my pictures of Tim & Lisa's latest "look" which I'm head over heels in love with. I just bought a new camera, and it seems to be working well, although I forked over a few more bucks for a better camera than the cheap ones I've been using. Also, don't forget about my "giveway" on Monday. Scroll on down to the bottom of my White Wednesday post and you will see what's going on. And don't forget to stop back by my blog. I've got even more wonderful photos of Tim's totally over the top creations. Hope you all have a truly "inspirational" Friday. And thank you Debra, for putting this all together. Take care!


  1. Really fabulous displays! Thanks for sharing them! Just hopped over from Vintage Inspiration...

  2. WOW! So very awesome!
    Thanks for sharing!
    and Yes Debra is great!!
    Tammy :-)

  3. Tim an Lisa are just awesome! That's the booth that just took my breath away the first time I found your store. It's still my favorite, although I love your entire store and you have so many talented venders. I've gotta get in there soon and snap some Fall pictures of your store for my blog (and Rodger's Gardens too!)Fun,fun fun! Take care, Mary :O)

  4. Good golly, but they are good! What eyes you have Grandma...All the better to see good junk with!

  5. Really cool and original stuff1! i'M SURE i'LL get there someday!

  6. Amazing talent, I completely agree with you, I'm swooning over it all!!!

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  7. Wow very cool, I sure love her style, thanks for sharing oxox, Diane

  8. With all the beatiful inspiration you have in your shop, it's no wonder you never want to leave it! Happy Vintage Friday Sue.

  9. Soooooo glad I found YOU through ViNtaGe InSpiRaTion FriDay!*!*! I'm definitely following YOU to SEE MORE!!! Jeanine, ChiPPy!-SHaBBy!

  10. I forgot about Debra's party :(
    Looks great as usual! Enjoy the new camera, Sue!!!!

  11. Oh my gosh, I love this look. Love it I tell you. When you have shown pictures before of Tim and Lisa's wares I couldn't stop looking at them. But these Wow, just love it!

  12. Hi Sue ~ your blog is one of the best places to visit for inspiration! Love, love, love your photos today! Have a wonderful weekend!

  13. Wow! Can't wait to see more! Love all the displays!


  14. What a great mix of industrial, rustic, and shabby! They really know how to do it. Two days in a row, wow, Sue, good for you. Thanks so much for joining in, you are way too kind in your words. Love you so much!

  15. They always have such a great space.
    I love seeing what the space turns into each time you post

  16. How cool! Love the hmmm... I love it all, a lot! Lezlee

  17. What talent! Looks fantastic! One of the wonderful things about your store(and there are too many to mention!)is that each space is so unique. I love it!


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!