
Extreme Makeover Part Two

As promised, part two of the Extreme Makeover that Tim & Lisa put together. Thought I would start out with a little "beaver" for you! Tim hung a canvas hammock in the window, and added the beaver Bryce purchased not too long ago that he had left in my entry way when I came home one night. Do I need to say how it scared the crap out of me!The display definitely says, "Blue Canoe"! Here are a few more pictures from the makeover.

These pictures don't really even begin to illustrate how awesome these displays look! If you go back and read my White Wednesday post it will give the details of my "giveaway"! All you need to do to enter is leave a comment on this post or tomorrows. I will have Riley draw a name on Monday. If you aren't a follower already and sign up to be one, you will receive two entries. Lastly, if you share a few words about how you practice random acts of kindness you will get another entry for that. Hope you have some time to stop by Country Roads this week-end! As you can tell, we've got some great stuff in right now. Today is also the day that our history was changed nine years ago, and senseless violence caused many to lose their lives. I think, without saying, we all will have a bit of a heavy heart today! We all know EXACTLY where we were on 9/11. John Lennon's words below are in my heart today:
Imagine all the people living life in peace. You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will be as one.


  1. Sue, are you "shooting the beaver" again??? Gosh!

    Displays...totally awesome!
    Your new camera...totally awesome!
    Country Roads...priceless!

    Your photos the last two days have been kick ass! Wowee!

    Do you think that cart with wheels would be too heavy to send through the postal service to Texas? :)

    I am telling you that those photos and those displays are going to blaze trails for people heading to Country Roads! Heck, I might gather up the Texas girls and head out myself. Of course, I will have to kick them out of my vehicle on the way back because my SUV will be filled with goodies from CR!!!

  2. Your new camera is working wonderfully and again you featured one of my favorite items in your store - the spotlight. I will have to save my pennies so next time I am there I can buy one of those.

    Thanks for the words of rememberence in regards to September 11 - May we never forget

  3. Hi Sue...love part two!! Hope this Saturday finds you at peace!

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  4. That camera was worth every penny! Great photos! Cool displays...very edgy. I like that.
    You have the best vendors and of course it goes without saying...the best store!


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!