
White Wednesday

Here we are, our first "White Wednesday" in August! The passage of time continues to amaze me! It goes by way too fast these days. This "White Wednesday" I wanted to share a little of this, and a little of that, which we now have at Country Roads!!

I'm always amazed after I download my pictures at how cool some of our stuff at "the store" really is! It truly is a great environment to work in!! Please stop by and pay a visit to Kathleen, the one that is responsible for "White Wednesdays"!! She has only the best of the best to share with you. Hope you all are enjoying your summer days, take care!


  1. And again Sue, I am in love with all that you have at your store. Wow, is all I can say.

  2. I would agree that you have some very cool stuff at the store. I'm sure it would be a fun experience to shop there.

  3. Hi Sue! You really do capture the coolness of your store in your photos ~ it helps all us who live so far away!

  4. Yeah, I can see why you would love your job! Jacqueline

  5. Oh my gosh, your store is filled with beautiful items. I just loved the columns. You have a lovely blog and your post for White Wednesday is lovely. I will be visiting your blog a lot in the future:)

  6. I heart the lavabo! You have some of the best in your store. Lucky you to get to look at it on a daily basis. Who wouldn't be inspired!

  7. Boogieboard CottageAugust 4, 2010 at 8:18 AM

    Hi Sue, I'm glad to hear that you made it down to the beach with Riley. Those are precious memories. I remember my Grandma taking me to Newport Beach when I was little. Thank you for sharing the store pic's, just love 'em!

  8. Thank you for posting such beauties here.
    I saw you at Faded Charm and had to once again visit you.

    I am a follower and will keep on following.

  9. I love the chippy cupboard so great.
    I wish I had a better layout in the house to hold some larger treasures as this.
    Thanks for the comment today Sue.
    I had the most comments ever and went with my sleep filled eyes to hit publish and I hit reject and all of my comments disappeared:(
    This is how my day is starting lol
    I need coffee, stat
    have a great Wed.

  10. Looove your shop, wish I was closer, to really dig through everything! Thanks for sharing! Debbie @ Cottage Hann~Me~Downs

  11. What is black and white and chippy all over? Country Roads! Great photos, my friend! Could you wrap up some of those things and send them to Texas? I'll be waiting!



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