
R & R

I've been working a lot this summer. Yesterday I finished working a six and half day work week at Country Roads. Not including the work I have to do at home in regards to the store. I work with all "kids" as I refer to them. I'm not sure how they all can work this much! Anyway, with only a little time left after I got home yesterday afternoon, I decided or should I say, I "forced" myself, to sit out by my pool. Our weather here has been wonderful. So, outside I went. Here are some of the things that helped me relax for a few hours.

When you work at something you love, it really doesn't seem like work. I think the important thing to remember though is that no matter how busy you are, no matter how many days you are working, you have to grab a few hours for yourself. And after doing that yesterday, I feel so much better today. I hope you all find just a little bit of time for yourself today! Take care.


  1. Woo Hoo! You relaxed and hell didn't freeze over! See? Now you can do it again! Wish I was there to join you friend!


  2. So glad that you had a chance to put your feet up. You truly give so much of yourself and I know that we all benefit so much from that. I hope you find more "you" time this week, you deserve that.


  3. Recharging is absolutely essential!

  4. Glad to hear it Sue! Tomorrow I will be doing the same, pool here I come.
    I feel we are on the same path this summer. LOL! Yesterday I made plans with a friend to hang out in the pool tomorrow, I just hope our cool weather holds out long enough to enjoy it.
    Take it easy and keep on rockin' out

  5. Thanks for all your comments on my recents blogs. It's taken me awhile to catch up, but finally am able to stop by and say: glad you made yourself take that time for yourself. Your weather is gorgeous here. Look forward to Seal Beach this coming weekend and a visit to CRA. Ann

  6. I just found your blog from one of those link party things...OMG, that pool.....LOL....that is one of those WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT things...I LOVE it!!


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!