
The Old Magnolia Tree

My folks bought their first home in 1950, before I was born. It was a small house, but back then it seemed huge to them. It cost $8500! It was a two bedroom, one bath little house. One of the first things my dad did was plant a magnolia tree. And in case you are wondering, that is me under the tree a few years later after it was planted. And some 60 years later this tree, this very special tree, is providing shade to the third generation of his family. Katie and Vinnie bought the house I grew up in after my folks died. They remodeled and made a bigger house out of the little house. Last night Riley had her birthday party and everyone gathered around under the big magnolia tree. I have to say, there were a lot of special memories made last night under that tree. Here are few of those memories!

Somehow, I knew in my heart, that my folks were looking down on all the festivities with big smiles on their faces. They probably especially enjoyed it when Carol convinced me to join her in the bouncy house in the dark! You know, I have to tell you, it was great fun to "bounce" in the dark! Kind of a pain to get "out" of the thing, but fun just the same! The old magnolia tree last night just added a few more memories to its branches! When you live in a disposable world, it's nice to be able to find such happiness in the simple things that have really taken "root" after all these years.


  1. It is always awesome to hear where your family came from and how they are still me keeping the memory of family alive.
    So sweet.
    That tree looks amazing, so many would have chopped it down by now. I love that it is still there.

  2. Well that brought back memories. When we bought our first house in 1985 it was brand new and landscaping was minimal. My girlfriend and I went out in the woods behind the house and dug up two white birches and planted them at the front of the house. When we sold the house ten years later the new owners chopped them down! How rude!

  3. It's so nice to be able to visit the home you grew up in and to have the magnolia tree that your father planted still there. It looks like Riley and you had a really great time, especially with a fun grandma that'll go into a bounce house! Mary :O)

  4. This goes to show a leaf doesn't fall very far from the tree. Just like that beautiful family tree, your family continues to grow and flourish. Your babies' roots are going to be deep!
    BTW...I'm extremely partial to beautiful, blond, barefoot princesses!

  5. How terrific that your grandchildren will grow up in the house you grew up in. AND that the beautiful tree still thrives 60 years later! It struck me when I looked at the picture of you that Riley looks quite a bit like her grandma.

  6. I love this post! I did something similar the other day. My grandparents are both gone. Their home I grew up visiting in San Bernardino was sold and bought by someone else. Well, that person lost the house and it now sits vacant. The tree in the front yard that they planted when I was little, is now HUGE. It was a bittersweet visit for me. All I did was cry as I sat on their front steps. But, it was a bit of closure for me. I miss them both so much. I would buy the home if I was in the position to. I hope you all enjoy many more memories under that Magnolia tree!!

  7. love the story, thanks. it reminded me of when I went home (?) to visit my Brother the house that I grew up in was still there occupied by atty's. I walked in, told them my little story and they showed me around my/ their old home. It was delightful to be there once again.

  8. I did the math in your post and I am now convinced that you ARE OLDER than me! :) Riley's party looked like great fun. I am sure there will be many festive celebrations under that magnolia tree in the years to come! Please post a photo of you trying to get out of that bouncy house! :)


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