
Sorry, It's "SOLD"!

The last couple of days, we've been using a lot of those signs above that say, "Sorry, I'm SOLD"! I am always so appreciative for the business that comes our way. Not just myself, but everyone at Country Roads works so hard to find the best of the best for our customers. At one point yesterday afternoon, we were running out of counter space and the area around the counter was overflowing with "SOLD" merchandise! These are only a few of the photos I had time to take. Our back aisle is filled with sold stuff. The area by the stairs has sold merchandise waiting to be carried up the stairs when we get some time. And of course Carol was beginning to take a huge table top upstairs until I stopped her! For those of you that "know" Country Roads, every day there is a story to be told. So, yesterday in the middle of the day when we were busy, Kristi had walked back with a couple that were interested in a piece of furniture. The guy happened to be really tall and that is the ONLY reason he thankfully saw the horrible sight. Country Roads is in an old building and we get rats inside the store! Usually we don't see them, thankfully, they tend to party at night when no one is there. Bryce has traps set upstairs near an area he knows they are in. Somehow, in the back aisle, where the ceiling is a bit lower, our tall customer saw "it"! A rat had got caught in one of the traps that somehow snapped, and didn't fall to the floor, but was caught on a beam. The dead rat's head was in the trap while the rest of the body, including the very long tail hung down in the aisle like an elegant chandelier would, except this time, no chandi, just a dead rat! Thankfully, no one saw it, but I was a bit panicked when I heard about it. Bryce wasn't at the store and I didn't want to climb up and get it down. Thankfully, Jesse, Loretta's husband from Full Bloom Cottage came to our rescue! Nothing like a dead rat to add to our displays on a busy day! When today is over, I am headed to see one special little girl. I miss my Riley so much. Her and I use to spend so much time together, and now with my schedule so different, I haven't seen her nearly enough. I SO miss her little arms around my neck hugging me as she says to me, "Gramma, I love you with ALL my heart"! After work I'm going to straight over to see her and I gotta tell you, I couldn't ask for a better Friday night date than one with my little Riley!!


  1. I missed the rat episode...thank God!!!!! I hope they take the day off today because I'm on my way there!!!

  2. So this is the "sign of the times", sorry I couldn't resist. Hope yuo have an awesome date night with your special one, no rats allowed!

  3. Ooops, meant to say "you", should have spell checked it first.

  4. Boogieboard CottageJuly 30, 2010 at 9:33 AM

    Your stories always crack me up. If it had been halloween time though, it could have passed as a clever display! Have fun with Riley tonight, you diserve it! Mary :O)

  5. Nice to see that business is good. Rat or no rat!

    Enjoy your date!


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