

Sometimes when people walk in the little door at Country Roads they are surprised. They have no idea how big our store is, nor any clue as to the variety of merchandise we carry. I think the word "country" makes them think that we only carry country antiques. But Country Roads is just like traveling down a country highway. Along the journey you are bound to find any and everything! That's us!! Our store is filled with chandeliers. And what I love about these chandi's is that we have so many different shapes, looks and sizes. The one pictured above is definitely the "mother" of all chandeliers. She is big & beautiful, and believe me the picture doesn't show her the way she should be portrayed. Below are a few more chandi's that you will find as you wander through Country Roads!

This chandelier is my favorite. I bought it at Country Roads and it hangs in my bathroom over an old claw foot bathtub. I love this one because of its simplicity and the chippy paint on it. I hope if you are down our way this week-end you stop by and wander through our aisles at Country Roads. I promise you, it is just like driving down a country highway without having to keep getting out of your car!! You never know what you just might find!


  1. Thats what I love about the shop.
    it has so many different things going on but within a same kinda style.
    You just never know what you are going to walk up on.

  2. A girl after my heart....love the chandeliers!

  3. Hey Sue, Thanks for the California welcome! Our kids took us to a club in downtown LA called "Edison's" and I think most of their props and decorations must have come from your store!! L Cool place - but not as cool as yours. Hope to be there next weekend.

  4. I love Chandeliers, I have 14 in my house! But I feel the need to start changing some of them out! I would love to visit you shop!


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