
A "Mover & Shaker"!

I'm not sure quite how long Georgia has been at Country Roads. But I DO know a couple of things. First, this is her third area in the store and it looks awesome! Seriously, my pictures really don't come even close to how great Georgia's displays are. Also, I love the "darker" look. She has some wonderful oak pieces that really add to her merchandise just "popping" in her displays! Below are a few pictures of what I'm talking about!

I took these pictures "before" our big sale started on Saturday. I can tell you one thing, none of our displays look too good right now. More like "Hurricane CRA" hit! I had a pretty quiet 4th of July, as you can see. Sally and I kicked back by the pool as I enjoyed my ipod and Corona. Usually my family gets together but Bryce was up in Alameda and Brande was in San Francisco on the Lilith tour so we didn't plan anything. And I have to tell you, I was STILL feeling the after effects of our big sale on Saturday!! So, as I sat in my chair with Sally in hers, we watched the sunset and I had planned on trying to stay awake to watch the fireworks from the show at Vet's Stadium. Never made it, nor did my "little man"!! I'm STILL waiting and we will see what Katie's doc has to say today!


  1. Totally cool!
    Wish I could have come to the sale!
    I sent you an email, did you get it?

  2. Oh Sue, I was totally hoping that you would be posting that you were a grandma all over again today.
    Glad you had a great sale and a relaxing evening, my poor cats are still in hiding this morning from all the popping going on.
    Take care

  3. Georgia's space looks really nice. It can be nice to have some alone time with a buddy. I'm doing it right now!

  4. Her space is beautiful and those bee skeps...2die4!
    You better be taking it a little slow and giving yourself time to recuperate. You won't be getting any rest in the near future with that baby coming!

  5. I'm telling you...that cold Corona is looking pretty good right now! Glad you and Sally took it easy on the fourth. You needed a rest from the sale and Sally needed a rest from barking at the raccoons!


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!