
A Big Attitude of Gratitude!

As some of you know, we had a big sale at Country Roads yesterday. I always try as hard as I can to promote these sales. I spend the prior month trying to encourage our customers to join us on this special sale day. I rack my brain thinking of ways that I can convince them that it really is worth making a trip to Country Roads! And on the flip side of that, I have to convince all 80 or so dealers of mine to be on the same page that I am! Not always an easy task. Yesterday, all of YOU, made all of our hard work worthwhile and I thank you for this with a huge "attitude of gratitude"! We were short a one staff member yesterday, yet you all waited so patiently in line, thank you! Today, the 4th of July, is a great day to express "attitudes of gratitude"! Above is Riley, last year on the 4th of July. She was celebrating the 4th of July under the big magnolia tree that I spent my entire childhood celebrating similar times as I grew up. I am very grateful that Riley and her family get to grow up in the same house I did as a child and play under the same tree. It was the house my dad and mom bought after my dad got home from WWII where he fought for America's freedom. Today I am very grateful to be able to celebrate the 4th of July in "our" country that allows people to speak their minds freely without prosecution. I am grateful that this country has elected a President that is a good man, and those that don't care for the color of his skin or politics should also be grateful that they can express those opinions so openly and freely. Our soldiers today are still dying in foreign lands fighting for "freedom"! And each and everyone of us should have an attitude of gratitude that we can publically stand in the streets of America and have the freedom and independance to say whatever we choose! Awhile back, one of my friends, Rita, wrote a blog post that I've copied below. I think her words truly express what today, the 4th of July is all about!Again, thank each and everyone of you for your kind words yesterday. They always hold a special place in my heart.
Have I ever told you this story?

This sac of flour belongs to my Nonno. It was given to him by the Americans during War World II. My Nonno managed to take some solders out of town to the country house to rest. He received in return flour and some other goodies. Independence day reminds me of my Nonno's story and that the Americans came at the right time.

As we know America is the FREE Country and the LAND of OPPORTUNITIES because of long time ago on a 4th of July. My story been a immigrant is a little bit different then others and I am still thankful to be here and never regret it. I met Deano in Sicily, he was station in the Air Force, and with no intention in my part to fall in Love , since I was studying in a Language school and planning to work in Europe. After a couple of years of dating in Sicily, Dean and I got married in and .......not that simple!

Hours and hours in Los Angeles at the immigration center to get a work permit. Hours and hours and money to see the Judge to show and prove that we were married for love. Months and months of waiting for me to receive my "Alien Registration Card"!

Two years later I have a Green Card, 9 years later I applied for my Citizenship. Not that simple! Waiting and waiting in the San Diego Office, more money and paperwork. I had to study about the Colonies, the Presidents, the Constitution, the Senate..... I Passed! I am a Citizen of the USA.
I love this Country and yes it is the Land of Opportunities, look at me I am a woodworker and proud of it!

Happy 4th of July, don't drink and drive.....
Ciao for now Rita

Again, thank each and everyone of you for your kind words yesterday. They always hold a special place in my heart. And I hope for a brief moment today, we all just remember what today is all about! Take care and "Happy 4th of July"!


  1. Beautiful post Sue. I raise a Corona to you - have a wonderful 4th!

    P.S. Perhaps a new grandson today?

  2. very cool story. we are all immigrants of sorts - unless you are an american indian.

    even though our generation may have been born in america, our grandparents (in my case) were immigrants - laborers who came to work the sugar cane fields.

    folks are still coming here today for the same reasons: freedom and opportunity. let's help them attain citizenship.

    enjoy the holiday!

  3. Always so well spoken Sue. Thank you, and have a great 4th! Jacqueline

  4. Absolutely LOVE the pic of your grand daughter by the same Magnolia Tree as you. What a gift indeed!
    Hope you had a wonderful 4th!

  5. What a great post! I think it is amazing that you have that photo of you by the same tree that Riley is posing by! What a piece of family history to pass on! Happy Fourth, girlfriend!



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