
White Wednesday

"Happy White Wednesday" to everyone! I hope you are all doing well and enjoying getting away from every day life by participating in "White Wednesday". For this weeks post, I took some pictures of my favorite store, Country Roads! Not only do I love all the cool stuff we get, but I love the interior of the store as well. I LOVE looking at the facades of our individual dealer spaces. The interior has a great deal of old lumber, novelty siding, and architectural elements used to give it a look of days gone by. And I'm always attracted to the old white chippy stuff, especially old wood. Here's some of what's "in" the store and what's built "into" the store!

It's one thing to be surrounded by awesome antiques. But it is really great to work in a historic building that has been built out with old lumber and architectural elements from the past! I am grateful for the job I have! I hope you all make a point of going over to visit Kathleen. She has a great blog and a great list of other "WW" blogs to visit. Thanks for stopping by today, I appreciate your visit. Take care.


  1. What an amazing building ~ I wish I lived loser so I could get lost amongst all that chippy white goodness.

  2. Wow Sue, you do have the best job. If I worked in your shop I'd be in serious trouble!!!! I'd want to buy it all. Happy WW my friend, T

  3. Such creative minds! Fabulous! Of course I do love me some white!

  4. Oh, wow. Wish I could jump into these pictures. I'd love to be there.
    Love your blog. I'll be back!
    Ladybug Creek

  5. these pics are making my heart skip a beat. Oh I can't wait to be strolling thru all this. I want to really take my time this trip and take it all in.
    Aside from the BSC-ness you are lucky to have such a great place to work and enjoy. You have really made something unique in this world that so many people get a thrill out of.
    take care

  6. OMG! What an insanely awesome post! Happy White Wednesday!

    Back Porch Blessings,

  7. I love white chippy stuff too. Just looking at your pictures is happiness.
    Today on the way to work I had to return home because I forgot to put my trash out, making me a little late.
    Then in someone elses trash on my way to work was a fabulous blue/teal chippy window frame. About 5 or 6' long and maybe 12" tall. I'm still kicking myself for not stopping and getting it, even though I was running late!

  8. OHHHHH MAAAA GAAAAAWWWWSH! I ADORE THAT STORE! I so wish I could go there. It is staged absolutely beautifully. What a wonderful place to shop, you'd be able to get a sense of how something would look in your home or it's other uses! LOVE IT!!! This was my first White Wednesday and I will definately be back! I'm in Heaven!

  9. Happy White Wednesday!!
    I LOVE your shop and see at least a dozen things I would want to buy!! I wish I lived closer so I could come visit (bummer)!
    Have a great day! ~ Jo

  10. These were some of my favorite parts of the store. I loved all the built-in spaces and it added so much. I've never seen an Antique store as cool.

    The first photo has me drooling. I want it all......

    Take care Sue.


  11. hi sue...i wanna booth there!!!!!!!! yum. love it all. what a great space to sell and work. it's perfectly chippy and wonderful.
    thanks for sharing.


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!