
Carefree Days of Summer

Do you remember those carefree days of Summer? School was out and your days were just filled with "nothing". Yep, nothing to do but hang out with your friends or go to the beach. I spent a lot of my days at the beach as a kid. Actually that is me, my sister, mom and my Aunt Ruby from Texas that came out to visit. And actually that picture was taken in Seal Beach by the pier! Life was so carefree, no worries about anything but if you were going to get to go to the beach, and if you were older, "how" you would get to the beach! Seems like my sister and I only wore swimsuits during the summer months. Always wishing, waiting, and hoping to be able to take that ten minute trip to the beach. As I got older, my friends and I would catch the bus, and take that to the beach. And even if it was a chore, we would ride our bikes when we couldn't find any other way to get there! That is just how much I loved going to the beach! Now I've got my new little friends I can take to the beach with me this summer. Morgan already loves going to the beach and I know she would like to have a ride with Gramma to spend some quality time by ocean. Riley has already been testing the water temp in my pool but she loves the beach so much more. I think it's that freedom of just running and chasing the waves and seagulls that little kids enjoy so much, and a few of us grown-ups as well. Riley's favorite beach is where her Aunt Brande lives, in Old Towne Seal Beach. Not only is there an ocean and a beach but there is also a playground "ON" the beach. Life doesn't get much better than that when you are a little kid. And Brande, who lives right across the street from that beach, is going to be gone most of the summer and has asked me to keep an eye on her apartment. So, needless to say, I'll take my little girls to the beach with me from time to time, but I've got big vacation plans of my own. Beach chair, towel, ipod and headphones and just sitting in the sand doing nothing! And for me, that is all the vacation I need right now! I'm ready, bring on Summer!!


  1. Morning,
    I hear the same love stories from Rudy about the beach and how he would wake up before the sun to catch the bus with his surf board to the 14th st drop off, surf and hang at the beach all day sometimes missing the last bus home to have to walk it.
    He now tells this same story to Brooklyn.
    Once you are a beach lover always a beach lover
    Enjoy your summer Sue, here's to the carefree days of doin'nothin'

  2. Sounds like your summer is going to be great, Sue! I'm glad...you sure deserve the break!!!!

  3. It sounds like heaven. Enjoy every minute!!

  4. Hi Sue,
    I LOvE this post !! I too, remember the lazy days of summer .. And all the FuN that goes with it !! We would ALWAYS be at the beach, or poolside .. We would go early and spend the entire day .. Umbrellas, picnics, icechests full of cut up watermelon, and cold drinks .. Soo much to do, NeVer got bored there .. We came home showered, and layed around all evening of pure exhaustion ... that's why we were taken to the beach for the day ... mmmmmm .. we got too tired to bug them to do anything else that night .. PeRfect, and what wonderful childhood memories ..

    Can't wait to spen some time there real soon .. LoVe the ocean beach smell ~
    HuGs ~tanza~

  5. Awww, those babies are absolutely precious!!!

    Have a wonderful Saturday!


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