
Where Bloggers Create

I'm a little late to the party! Didn't sign up on the guest list, didn't stage my special place, and you are probably going to see some cat hair, dust, and papers everywhere. Whether it is your studio, your office, basement, garage or wherever, it is really important to have a space that belongs to YOU!! My space is probably my most favorite room in my house. I've surrounded myself with things that I love, that mean a great deal to me for a variety of reasons. There is STUFF everywhere, as you can see, and I didn't pick up any of my STUFF for these pictures. I think that is what reflects our spaces, the "you" behind them. Ok, I would have picked up some if I had more time!! I LOVE vintage things and use a lot of these things in my office. I like to use them in different ways such as the old bicycle basket above to hold my mail. My desk is actually an old farm table. I think you can see what you mean. So, below are random pictures where a great deal of my "Country Roads" creations come from!

I can't wait to get home tonight to look at all the great places "Where Bloggers Create"! Take care.


  1. Great space! The only cat hair I saw was on the kitty. I would love to get in there and explore.
    Enjoy your day!

  2. Oh, girl, I wish you had signed up for the blog party so more people could see your space! I LOVE your studio because it is totally creative and YOU! It is not staged for the party...it is what it is...and I so appreciate that! Oh, my gosh, I can't wait to come to your house! Now I can visualize where you are sitting when we chat every night! Wonderful!!!

  3. I totally missed the deadline to sign up for the party as well. I just love seeing where people create and work.
    I love your gym basket locker room shelving! That is on my wishlist to find some day.
    Whats a work space without a little cat hair and a cat or two. It just comes with the territory
    Have a great Saturday Sue

  4. Boogieboard CottageJune 19, 2010 at 9:40 AM

    I love all of your stuff! The aquarium is too cute!What a great place for inspiration and creativity. I used to have a room like that, till I became a foster mom. Now I use the kitchen table for everything. I've been trying to make space in the gargage, but we keep a lot of stuff in there. I think I'll work on it some more this summer, your work space has inspired me! Have a great weekend. Mary

  5. I'm looking forward to some day having a space of my own. Yours look soooo cool!!!!

  6. Hi SuE,
    Just LoVe your wonderful "Self Space" It's sooo YoU !! And, isn't that what our special alone, creative space should be .. Soo much that speaks to our hearts .. that is what is important !!

    Wishing you a wonderful, busy, making lots of money day, and Nooo BaD, crazy customers ... Have a Super Saturday my friend ~
    HuGs ~Tanza~

  7. This room looks packed full of treasures. You do have some great collections. Hope you are having a nice day at Country Roads. Wish I could pop in to say "Hi".


  8. Must be several of us who did not sign up. But loved your space anyway and the cats are cute. What is a little dust and cat hair between friends, is what I always say!!!!

  9. You've got a great space, Sue! Love all the old advertising and signs. What's a creative space without cat hair anyway? There's something theraputic with our kitties. Love your lounge lizards just hangin' out.
    Have a great weekend!

  10. Neat or not...I know this is the real you and I love it! Everything just reveals so much about you and your passion for life and antiques. Wonderful collections!

  11. Sue! You've got a great space! Looks like you could get tons of work done there!


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!