
Lakers Win, LA Loses

Our LA Lakers won last night! I have to admit, I didn't turn on the game until the last quarter. Actually, I was never much of a Laker fan or basketball fan in general. But my mom, she LOVED her Lakers! It's been a few years since she passed away, but ever since then, I've been a bit more fond of our LA Lakers. After my mom died, the one thing I wanted of hers was her LA Laker jacket we had gotten her. I can still see my mom sitting in front of the tv proudly wearing that jacket. And of course, as we know, when older people are in facilities, some of their things just "disappear". My mom's jacket was gone, as was my dad's wedding band. It is what it is. But nonetheless, last nights victory in game seven was awesome! My mom would have been proud! But, I think her pride would have been lessened by what happened afterwards. Then being LA, we also have the other type of "Laker fans"! They are "entitled" to celebrate, right? As I'm watching the after game show, on part of the screen they are interviewing players. There sat Kobe with his two little girls in his lap, while the other part of the screen had pictures, like above. What the hell is wrong with people? I'm serious, I just don't get that mentality of destruction and "me, me, me"! If I remember right, I think there was something like 600 LAPD deployed after the game. They had some in riot gear, some on horse back and others in cars surrounding the area. The fire department was on hand to put out bond fires that had been started to "celebrate" the Lakers victory? I don't think so. The disrespect for private property is erased because the local basketball team won? I don't get it. And to celebrate even more, you decide to break into local businesses and just "take" what you think you are entitled to? I mean, the Lakers win the championship so you celebrating by looting some stores and bringing the stuff home to say, "way to go Lakers"? Over the years at Country Roads I've had at least three of my big windows broken by idiots. One was a bunch of idiots that thought they would drive by and shoot out random windows. I've had a the big front window broken twice, the one with our logo painted on it. I can't even remember what happened the first time, but the second time some guy was so drunk after leaving Paul's, the bar across the street, that he was mad the taxi hadn't come to pick him up fast enough, so he threw his steel toed boot through my front window! Thanks dude, yes I was personally responsible for your taxi being late! So as more taxpayer dollars are spent this morning to clean up the "celebration" of the Lakers win, I hope my grandkids will grow up in more peaceful world. Change has got to happen at some point in our lives. Your hometown basketball team wins and you celebrate by destroying everyone elses property? I don't get it, sorry!


  1. I am with you, girl! What idiotic behavior!!! I don't get it...just don't get it! If you can afford the ticket to the game, you can afford the friggin' tennis shoes! Seriously! I understand rowdy celebrations because I am a Red Raider, but destructive celebrations? Just don't get it.

  2. My home is a happy one today after a slight win! I had my fingers crossed even though I am not a laker fan but to live in a household where your husband thinks he is on the team is peaceful when the team wins!
    I actually watched the entire game cringing at the thought of a loss.
    I jumped for joy when they turned it around with 8 minutes left
    Thanks Pau!!! KOBE BETTER KISS PAU's FEET for this one!

  3. These fans did NOT have tickets, but came down to Staples Center to party and celebrate the Lakers win by jumping on cars of those that were trying to leave the game, setting fires, and looting to name a few of the things they did in the "victory" celebration of the Lakers. Same thing happened last year!

  4. A begrudging congrats to the Lakers from a grumpy Orlando Magic fan.... I was saddened to see the footage of these idiots on the news. Seems like sometimes they just need an excuse to commit these crimes. The mob mentality takes over and those that truly are celebrants are overshadowed by those that take advantage of a situation.

    Don't let it get you down Sue, there are still so many great people in the world. The bad ones just get the press sometimes.

  5. i can only add that the part of our society that behaves in this manner of celebration should not be allowed to suck up valuable oxygen in our atmosphere. harsh? hardly!

  6. it just not make since to me...that you could celebrate...by tearing up your town....unbelieveable....


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