
You Watch Them Grow

My little Riley started pre-school yesterday. Milestones, they come so quickly. At three years old, my little girl is growing up. Riley was really excited about getting to go to school, but you never quite know what will happen when our little ones actually get "to" school. Katie cried and clung to me until almost 2nd grade! So, I have to admit, I was a bit concerned over my little Riley. But after the picture above was taken, she kissed Katie good-bye, and waved saying, "bye Mommy"! When you are a Gramma, you KNOW how fast they grow. So this Gramma is determined not to miss any of my babies milestones. I get to pick Riley up the next two days at school, and I can't wait! It is bittersweet as we "Watch Them Grow". I love this song that Zach Gill wrote and sings. In case you don't know who Zach is, he plays with Jack Johnson's band. Here's the lyrics.

You Watch Them Grow

She's close to God, I'm sure of that
She sits him down, and they have a chat
She asks for sunshine, and he agrees
You see, for her, He'd do anything

You watch them grow, then you let 'em go

She is a monkey, and I'm her tree
And now she's climbing all over me
Swinging on my vines dancing on my limbs
Her monkey sounds sound like angel's hymns

You watch them grow, then you let 'em go
You watch them grow, then you let 'em go

She is an angel, she is an imp
She's got my big toe, and her mother's lips
She gives fishy kisses, and great big bear hugs
42 pounds of pure love
Then one day she'll be 17, feelin' too big for her home
Seems she was just only 3, oh how our children they grow

You watch them grow, then you let 'em go
You watch them grow, then you let 'em go
You watch them grow, then you let 'em go
You watch them grow, then you let 'em go

Then one day she'll be 33, maybe with a child of her own
Seems she was just 17, oh how our children they grow
He'll ask for sunshine, and she'll agree
You see for him, she'd do anything
He is her child, the center of her world
She is his mother... my little girl

You watch them grow, then you let 'em go
You watch them grow, then you let 'em go


  1. I love this.... we want them to fly, happy they do, know God guides and holds them close - but it's still hard for Mommies sometimes - they're Always our babies. Mine are 29 and 31!!! Jennifer

  2. Riley was ready to go, wasn't she? She looks so cute and so grown up! She will do so well in school! Be strong, Gramma!

  3. I've never heard that song, but boy does it water up the 'ol eyes!

    I remember putting my daughter on the bus for kindergarden and me and my 2 year old son BOTH crying our eyes out on the walk home.

    Roots and wings!

    Poor Leonard, nothing to do but nap now. (wait, Lucky Leonard???)

  4. OMG! I can't beleive she is in school. The time sure does fly. The other day I surprised my 7 year old nephew by going to his school to pick him up. The best thing about it was that when they called out his name to go home, he saw me, ran over and gave me the biggest bear hug ever. That hug TOTALLY made my day! I am going to miss that as he grows older. I know you will enjoy your after school time with Riley.

  5. Ahhh....the passage of time. I try not to visit that place too often.


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