
White Wednesday

With Spring only about a couple of weeks away, I thought I'd share some pictures of my sad looking winter garden on this White Wednesday. Although it isn't all a total loss. I've always loved to have fresh flowers in my house. Sometimes I'll pick up some cheap ones up at the grocery store, but as we get closer to Spring, I enjoy cutting them from my garden. I love when my lilies in the garden begin to bloom. The simplicity of a white lilly is beautiful. I try to keep a vase full of flowers in my entry way and in my family room when I can. Not as easy to have that many fresh flowers during the winter months from my garden though. And I always have flowers on my nightstand, no matter what season! There is just something about fresh flowers in my bedroom that I love. And since lavender grows so easily and it makes any room smell great year round. Often if I don't have any flowers blooming, I will just cut a bunch of lavender! But my lavender, she thrives! She grows through the adirondack chairs and spreads herself all over the garden. And that reminds me that our winters are really not that brutal after all! We are just "weather challenged" sissy's out her in SoCal!! Out in my garden, my favorite old vintage mermaid has endured her share of abuse. She isn't use to the rainy cold SoCal winter we've had this year! She anxiously awaits the arrival of Spring! And my vintage copula hasn't fared much better. But of course, a bit more chippy, white paint will only make it look better. Riley and Morgan's little chairs are cold and dirty. And my old french vintage sink is filled with weeds and crying for help each time I walk past her. All my adirondack chairs are cold and deserted. The wet winter and weeds have surrounded them. But not too far away, the sunny days of Spring will change it all! Be sure to stop by and visit Kathleen on this White Wednesday. This girl has amazing stuff, trust me and stop by for a visit!


  1. Oh, I love the bird houses and the wooden chairs. So pretty.

  2. I am the President of the Winter Challenged Sissy Club of So. Cal and proud of it!!!

    We are all thinking Spring...great minds...

  3. I am in love! .... with your 'mermaid' ... it's a good thing I don't know where you live...lol ..Really she is 'beautiful' .. and thanks for posting pictures of your gardens cuz I feel better about mine ...I'm also in California and sooo over the winter weather ..can't wait to 'dig in the dirt'.
    I love your blog. :^)
    Hugz ...Betty

  4. Your garden just needs a little TLC. When ever the sun decides to come out and if im home I will run out to do the work out there. But sometimes I dont like to cut my flowers. Your mermaid has a great look to her. Thanks for shareing Julian

  5. Your garden still looks better than mine. I wish I could grow lavender, I just love it!

  6. Love all your Outdoor Whites, I can't wait for the snow to go & to be outside.....

  7. Can I please take the first birdhouse home? Happy WW ciao Rita mammabellarte


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