
When Karma Bites You In The Ass!

Yesterday was a beautiful warm day here. I had been working on all my ads and paperwork and I then I stepped outside for a minute. It was warm & sunny, so I ran back in my house. I ripped off the jeans & sweater I was wearing, and dug out a pair of shorts, one of my many "Aloha" tops and my favorite "Locals" flip flops. I was planning on taking some down time for a bit, you know to enjoy our California sunshine. I had my ipod ready and wanted spend an hour or so in the sun. Then I thought it would make a good blog post for today, you know, to taunt all of you that are still having cold weather. Well, let me tell you, my camera seriously "jumped" out of my hand in landed in my pool. You can imagine what word I said out loud. I scooped her up, ran in the house, tried to revive her with the hairdryer, no luck, she was DEAD. And, I had only had her for less than three months! The above picture is a re-enactment of the camera's death. So, I went back inside, put my jeans and sweater BACK on and went in search for a cheap camera. I scored at Target. An Olympus, was $199, was on sale for $129, and since it was the last one, the display model, I got it for $90 and was very grateful! And one other plus, it was water proof!!I didn't get back outside until the late afternoon, and it was chilly, but it was still beautiful out. My poor bar hasn't been used in months. It's dirty and lonely and is just waiting to hear the sounds of margaritas in the blender again. I promised her, "one day soon"! My table and chairs by the bar sit empty and cold as well. They too are waiting for the warmer days of spring and summer so they can be filled with friends and family. I love this little fishy adirondack chair. My boy Bryce was going to take it apart and make some more for me. I'm not holding my breath on that one though! I have two of these wrought iron railings, and as I touched the cold palm trees on them, I feel in love all over again. They hang on each side of a vintage Hobie surfboard that was made into a bench. I fell in love with them originally because of the palm trees. It was a "must have", otherwise I would have never paid for them what I did! Finally in the late afternoon I was able to sit down and relax by the pool. As I mentioned it was chilly, but I enjoyed looking at all my stuff that is displayed by the pool as I sipped my cold Corona. My favorite piece is the big Aloha sign. There is a story behind it. Right after Mr.Wonderful left, he took the kids to Maui. You know, the Maui that I am in love with. Mr.Wonderful had rented himself a Jaguar for the week or so while he was there. He loaned it to Bryce to "run and errand" as Bryce told him. Long story short, this is one of Bryce's earliest finds in his soon to be "junkin career". How he got it into the Jag is beyond me. And, he had Mr.Wonderful pay to have it shipped home to me! That's my boy and I LOVE that sign!! As I with my buddy, "Sally the Cabana Dog", we watched the seagulls fly back to the beach and although it was chilly, it was still awesome out. The sun was reflecting off the seagulls wings, the sky was blue, and I was relaxed. As I sat in my rocking chair watching the seagull with my ipod, favorite headphones and my glass of Corona, I realized how fortunate I am to have what I have in my life. I'm very appreciative of these things. And never again will I think of taunting ANYONE about our beautiful weather here. I learned the hard way, as karma really did bite my ass on that. May my dead camera rest in peace!!


  1. Sorry to hear about your recent loss...but the new camera is an amazing buy at $90.00 wow :)

    Enjoy the California Sun, it's a beautiful day today :)

  2. Make Sally get her fat ass out of my chair! She knows dang well that is where I will be lounging soon! You won't have to worry about rescuing your camera from the pool while I am there. However, you will probably have to worry about rescuing me from the pool from time to time! ;)


  3. Good photos with your new camera, I need to invest in buying a camera instead of useing my phone for pic's. So you say target is where you got your deal? Thanks for the pic's

  4. Well, at least you scored with the new camera. I'm sooo glad we don't have a Target close by, I can get in trouble there!

  5. Sue,
    thank you for the wonderful words. Wait till you see her birthday party dress came special delivery to her from calif ;). Been saving it for a special day, birthday party decorations planed around it...

  6. so sorry to hear about your loss...RIP dear camera...hopefully the new one will be even better than the old one....your dog looks so comfy.....


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