
Really, What Time Is It??

I remember the guy at the bank Friday reminding me to be sure and set my clock back. It will take me a month to get all that done. AND the bank guy didn't have to work today, Sunday, you know "BSC" Sunday! This morning I get up and I notice that my house looks like someone turned it upside down. Then I remembered Bryce was home last night working on a project. I had given him Riley's old playroom after Morgan was born. I also had stuff in it as well. So, last "night", you know when he has plenty of time, he decided to empty the room. Before he even began, he was also putting Morgan's car together. Everyone loves "my boy Bryce", even Rachel. But you guys don't have to live with him. Below is what I saw as I was on my way to the front door to get my newspaper. Not that I have time to read it!!

And you may wonder, "is Bryce up working on this project of his"? Nope, he's shopping at the Rose Bowl Flea Market and I'm heading out the door, still trying to wake up, and enjoy my sunshine filled "BSC" Sunday!


  1. Hey, Sue! This really helped me in my college assignment too! My assignment was titled "Birth Control...Why You Don't Need Kids"! The mess in your house looks so familiar! And don't you hate getting this anonymous message that we have all been getting repeatedly for months!??? Hope BSC Sunday hasn't been too too bad! By the time you read this, you will be home and somewhat relaxed...if you can find a pathway through Bryce's junk to get back to your bedroom! :)

  2. There's only one thing worse than seeing all that in the morning when you leave for work. Was it there when you came home too?

  3. Hi Sue,
    Hahahaha .. What the heck .. huh ?! I bet your Bryce boy has it all picked up for his Momma when you get home from work .. and, maybe a cold corona waiting for you poolside ..it's beautiful outside, and soo hope you get to sit in it and relax a bit when you get home :o Have a happy week ~
    hugs ~tanza~

  4. For anyone that is interested, NOPE, the mess was still here! Me, I went to El Torito and had some delicious cadillac mararitas to noto notice the "mess" that is still here!

  5. he is a busy little devil, isn't he? what's that saying? "gotta love him"

    but i must say, i'd be pulling my hair out!

  6. OK Sue Bryce wins! he has more junk laying around then me!


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